I rubbed my eyes and stretch. I looked around, then sat up. I was in my room. I tried to remember what happened last night. Let's see, Happy, rain, kissing. My eyes widened.
"Chances," I mumbled, I rubbed my face and sighed. Then I thought for a second, I don't remember ever coming up to my room. All I remember is falling asleep on the couch. I got off my bed, I almost stepped on a sleeping Happy. I went around him and went downstairs quietly. I went to the living room to see if Natsu was still there, but he wasn't. I breathed out and went back upstairs to my room.
"Oh, good morning." I stopped mid stepped and turned around, Natsu waved at me as he walked into the kitchen.
"Morning," I replied, then turned around and went back up to the stairs, I stopped on the top and looked back at Natsu. "Do you want to go out for breakfast?" I asked, he looked up at me and shrugged.
"Where do you have in mind?" He asked,
"There's a Denny's a block or so from here," I said, he thought, then nodded.
"Yeah sure." He said, I breathed in and nodded.
"Alright, well get ready then," I said, and went back to my room. I through on some short blue jean shorts, and a black off the shoulder shirt, with a flower in the middle. I put some socks on and grabbed my phone off my bed stool. Happy ran out of my room when a door closed. I will never understand that cat. I went to the bathroom and brushed my hair, and put it in braided pigtails. I went downstairs were Natsu was leaning against the ledge, texting someone. I went down the stairs and put my shoes on. I grabbed my hoodie and went over to Natsu. "ready?" I asked, he nodded and put his phone away. I grabbed my purse from the off the ledge. "Then let's go." he grabbed his car keys and we were off. While we were in the car, I thought of something. "Do you have food for Happy?" I asked,
"Of course I do." He said sounding offended, " I'm not that bad of an owner." He said, I smiled and looked out my window. My phone began ringing, I had almost forgotten about my father calling me in the morning. But when I looked at the ID, it wasn't my father. . . it was my mother. I was so confused, I didn't know if I should answer it or ignore it. But I wasn't a bitch, so I answered it.
"Hello," I said, as I gripped the seat belt.
"Hello dear." She said, "How are a few days without your parents?" She asked,
"It's a blast." I said, "I mean, I'm staying someone who actually pays attention to me, and listens to what I have to say. The house is pretty lively. So I would say it's going well." I said, maybe a little too harsh, but I didn't care. There was a long pause.
"I'm glad you're doing good." She said then hung up. I wasn't surprised actually. So I put my phone in my purse and looked out the window.
"Tough," Natsu said, I looked at him.
"I try," I said, then looked back at the window. He grabbed my hand and held it.
"Well, you're doing great." He said. I looked back at him and smiled. He smiled too.
"Thanks," I said, then looked back out the window. I'm not sure what I was afraid of before, maybe I was just selfish to my feelings. But I can see that maybe this can work. I breathed in. "Do you think Juvia would ever be my friend again?" I asked, then looked at Natsu, he shrugged.
"It's all about how you see her afterward. She hurt you and it's whether or not you forgive her." He said. I slowly nodded my head. "So would you?" he asked, this time I shrugged.
"I guess I don't know," I said, "Would you be friends with her again?" I asked.
"Not something I should say." He said I looked at him,
"But wasn't she your friend too?" I asked he shrugged."Why are you shrugging?" I asked, "Was she not?"
"There was something about her that seemed off, it's not like I didn't like her, don't get me wrong she was nice. But I don't think I would go as far as friend with her." He said.
"How about Gray and Lucy?" I asked, "Bickslow, Sting, Rogue?"
"Those guys are pretty chill." He said, "I'd be able to call those guys friends." He said I thought for a second,
"What about me?" I asked.
"What do you mean?" He asked, but I have a feeling he knew what I meant. "What am I to you?" I asked. it was weird that he was thinking about this. I feel like maybe I didn't want him to answer.
"What do you want to be to me?" He asked, and glanced my way.
"A girlfriend maybe?" I said, he smiled slightly.
"Why maybe?" He asked,
"It all depends on what you want," I said, he breathed in and laughed.
"Don't use my words against me." He said I laughed also.
"It's some good advice," I said, he shook his head and looked back at the road. I looked out the window again. Then realized we weren't in town anymore. I looked startled at Natsu. "Where the hell are we going?"
Skipping town I see 👀👀👀

My Hero (Natsu x Reader)
Fanfictionok so this is my first Character and reader, so if it's bad I apologize a head of time. description Y/N was always the shy kid, a target to be shot at by bullies. Y/N starts thinking Fairy tail high wasn't meant for her, even after countless times...