"I didn't think she'd actually do it," I said as I set my bag on the counter. "She held her tears in pretty well."
"I didn't think someone like her could fall for such an asshole," Natsu mumbled mostly to himself. I turned and looked at him.
"You have no idea," I said, then looked out the window. I really want to know what Gajeel's excuse was.
"Do you know what he did?" He asked, I slowly looked at him, and shrugged.
"I may," I said, he stepped closer to me.
"What happened?" He asked. I didn't want to tell him because I didn't want to believe that Juvia took me as a cover than an actual friend.
"I don't know." I lied and crossed my arms awkwardly. He crossed his arms and looked at me with all seriousness.
"You do know," he said, I shook my head.
"Nope," I said,
"Then why did you say you may know." He asked.
"I was teasing you," I said, he uncrossed his arms and slowly walked up to me. I knew what he was going to do, so I ran.
"Come back here!" he said,
"No!" I laughed as we ran around the entire house. I ran into the living room as Happy jumped in front of me. I quickly stopped in my tracks. Natsu bumped into me from behind and knocked us over. Happy darted out of the way just in time for us to brush against his tail.
"Oof!" we said in unison as we hit the floor. We looked at Happy who sat in front of us and licked his paws.
"Thanks, Happy." Natsu groaned. I sat up and looked at my elbow which hurt the most. I had floor burn. It wasn't bleeding, but it was red. "You good?" He asked, and stood up. I nodded.'
"Yeah, how about you?" I asked.
"Well, you broke my fall, so I think I'm pretty good." He said with a grin. I slapped him on the arm. "Hey!" He laughed. I looked at Happy who was licking his paws still.
"Bad kitty," I said and waged my finger. He stuck his tongue out and ran away. "I wish he didn't like water," I muttered. Natsu chuckled.
"I sometimes wish that too." He said and put his hands in his pocket. "Such a naughty cat." He said. I smiled.
"Anyway, what do you want for dinner? Because I'm pretty sure it's my night." I said,
"Oh, I'm not going to be here for dinner tonight." He said I looked at him confused.
"Why not?" I asked.
"I have to go back to the school and help Mavis with an art project." He said.
"Can I come with you?" I asked, "We can just eat out afterward."
"Sure, but what are you going to do?" He asked I thought for a second.
"I need to clean my locker. I can just do that and maybe help you guys when I'm done."
"That sounds good." He said with a smile. I smiled back. I didn't really need to clean my locker. It's just really boring when I'm home alone, and Happy isn't exactly the best company either. '
"So, then what do you want to do for dinner then?" I asked.
"Why don't we get pizza or something and bring some for Mavis." He suggested, I nodded.
"Yeah, that's a good idea," I said.
~~~~TIME SKIP~~~~
After we ordered the pizza and picked it up, we headed to the school. When we got there I grabbed a box and he grabbed a box. I wasn't going to eat the entire thing, but I wasn't going to run all the way to the art room for pizza either. Speaking of the art room, that's where Natsu went. I went to my locker to "clean it out". I was probably just going to organize it or something. When I arrived I set the box of pizza on the floor and quickly put my combination in. It didn't open the first try, so I kicked it. The second time it opened like a breeze. When I swung the locker door open, a piece of paper fluttered to the ground. Confused, I picked it up. I had lied, it wasn't just a piece of paper. It was an entire envelope. I looked at the front, my name was written in a cursive handwriting I didn't recognize. I turned it over, then slowly opened it. I hope it isn't a party invite because I probably wouldn't be going anyway.
I pulled a folded piece of paper out and unfolded it. I slowly read it
Here's what it said:Dear, Y/N.
You may have been Natsu's friend for awhile and you may now be his girlfriend. But I've known him longer. I know his strengths and now his one and only weakness.
I will take you down in order to have him. Even if it means I have to get rid of you to do so.
You better watch you back Ms. Y/N, because if you don't break up with him in the next twenty-four hours. I'll do it myself.
Anonymous.I almost burst out laughing, but yet again. I was a little freaked out. The handwriting didn't look familiar to me at all. I folded it back up and stuffed it in my pocket. I closed my locker, grabbed the pizza, and went to the art room.
Whoever this was, knows Natsu. Therefore he can tell me whose handwriting it is.
I was thinking about doing a Gray and Reader Fan Fiction.. what do all you think? But of course this time I'd do the real fairy tail instead of an AUI saw you hanging out with Kaitlyn yesterday
R-Rebecca it's not what you think-

My Hero (Natsu x Reader)
Fanfictionok so this is my first Character and reader, so if it's bad I apologize a head of time. description Y/N was always the shy kid, a target to be shot at by bullies. Y/N starts thinking Fairy tail high wasn't meant for her, even after countless times...