I couldn't pay attention in class. I felt bad, I wasn't thinking. I knew I needed Y/N more than Fatima needed me.
Someone tapped my shoulder, I turned around, it was Sting.
"Wanna be my partner?" he asked, first I was confused, but then I remembered we were doing homework in pairs, I nodded, he came over and sat next to me. "You haven't listened to the teacher the entire class period, you're distracted. Why?" he asked, I shrugged, I didn't want to discuss this right now. I know I made a mistake, I fought for a long time to be with Y/N, and I just let her go so easily. "Obviously something's wrong, how about I guess?" I didn't say anything, so he took that as a yes. "School stressing you out?" I shook my head, "Alright, how about family?" I shook my head again, there was a pause he was thinking and it was making me nervous. "Is it Y/N?" he asked finally, I looked away, "what happened?"
"I don't want to talk about it," I replied
"If it's bothering you this much, then you want to talk about it."
"I really don't Sting," I said a little too harshly. He didn't look offended, but he didn't quit either.
"If something happened with Y/N, I can help you, if it's relationship problems, I can definitely help you." he offered. I didn't need his help, I needed to help myself.
"I don't need help." I said, then looked at him, "I'm fine."
"Is Y/N fine though?" he asked, I looked out the window. Of course, she isn't fine. I walked right into Juvia's trap, she warned me, and I didn't listen. 'I'm going to take that as a no." he added. I slowly looked back at him.
"I don't know," I replied,
"So you want to talk about it?" he asked me again,
"I don't know," I repeated, he rubbed my back
"If you want to you know where you can find me after class," he said, I nodded.
After that class I went to the class I shared with Y/N. My stomach was turning, if I sat at our usual table, there would be a large percentage she wouldn't sit next to me. As I passed the windows to my classroom I looked into them. Y/N was already there, sitting next to Lucy. I took a breath and looked down as I went into the classroom. I picked the farthest seat away from the both of them. I have to go home with Y/N after school, for the next four days, what am I supposed to do? Ignoring her won't do me any good. I laid my head on the table and waited for the class to start
~~~~POV CHANGE: Y/N~~'~
I saw him walk in, but I didn't say anything.
"What, so he just cut things off? Just like that?" Lucy asked. I had told her what happened. I nodded. "That's BS.," she said, then looked over at Natsu. "I'm going to talk to him." she got up but I grabbed her arm.
"No please," I begged. "Don't, I can handle it." she sighed, then sat back down.
"So you warned him, but he still didn't listen?"
"Yeah, I guess Fatima is just more worth it than this, and I wouldn't blame any of them, she's been framed, and I didn't do anything to help her. I didn't even deny it when Natsu asked me if she did it."
"Y/N, there's nothing more important then your girlfriend. he picked you, he fought for you."
"But he let me slip so easily." I fought, then looked at my desk, Lucy sighed, then set a hand on my shoulder.
"You'll figure something out, you always do."

My Hero (Natsu x Reader)
Fanfictionok so this is my first Character and reader, so if it's bad I apologize a head of time. description Y/N was always the shy kid, a target to be shot at by bullies. Y/N starts thinking Fairy tail high wasn't meant for her, even after countless times...