10 Inch Pizzas (Prologue)

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Justin^ hope you enjoy!

I remember quite vividly a family trip a few years back. It wasn't because it was particularly special or eye opening - in hind-sight I guess it was though - but because my mom had said something that should have definitely clued me in on being gay.

It hadn't been directed at me, but at my sister, who I supposed was expected to like dick - but considering I had taken the advice on board more than her, it really shouldn't have taken as long to figure out.

We had been ordering pizza on this overly hot and terrible day, which made me wonder why we were eating hot food, but it was the sign that had intrigued me:

10" pizza, $10

There was nothing wrong with the sign, except maybe the lack of colors, but as I saw the 9" pizza box, I had deducted that the pizza seller was not selling 10" pizzas. Because I had to 'prove my ability to smart', I voiced my concerns to my mother.

She had pressed her lips together and turned to my 14 year old sister, (whom I was only a year younger than, but was too young to hear the conversation) and spoke profoundly and with words that hid a double meaning I hadn't thought she was ever capable of.

"Cassie... Never trust a man when he says he'll give you ten inches."
My sister had merely shrugged, and taken her pepperoni pizza, while my mom had sighed and payed a man with a nose bigger than Jupiter.

Considering the fact that my 'smart' had been refurnished with sex ed lessons, I had giggled like the dork I was - because my naive mind was experienced in the endless expanse of penis jokes - and smirked while eating a cheese pizza.

In the days of that trip, during the sight-seeing and other familial activities that no one really cared about - except distant relatives that received Christmas cards they hoped of one-upping - my mind continued to think about that statement.

I mean surely you would have thought that a prepubescent child vividly picturing male genitalia was a little bit gay.

But nope, I was in the 'nO hoMO, dUDe!' phase.

It's not like that was the only time that these signs and feelings should've been addressed. Honestly, it should not have taken seeing a lanky kid changing for PE to make me go, "Oh, yeah... that's hot."

But it was the summer after the family trip that really, and I mean really, should have totally made me figure it out.

It had been another sticky, hot day where me and my friends had decided to go to the movies. There were three of us, plus my sister and her best friend (because we were still too young to go on our own), plus my mom.

Which meant, for our five seater car, that one of us had to sit on the lap of another. Now usually it would have been my sister, but Mom didn't want anything to happen to her innocent daughter, and had forced me, the smallest of my friends, to sit on the lap of my best friend.

I hadn't been too tiny, and wasn't naïve in any sense, so I was, in fact, aware of dick and sex and vagina. Heck, I was old enough to have discovered the miracle of masturbation. My friends had all managed to grow and build muscle, unfortunately leaving me in the dust - with my all too apparent lankiness.

So, logically, I sat on my friend's lap, enjoyed it a little too much, and had gotten a boner.

But no, I wasn't gay.

But what was I to actually do in that situation?

Certainly not 'subtly' grind myself into my best friend's crotch.


He had stiffened, and avoided me for the rest of the day.

And that's how I had got my first love.
But, heartbreakingly enough, after the struggle of keeping my feelings a secret from overly religious parents and oddly observant friends, his parents decided to move states. Which meant that I was forced to say goodbye to him on 'platonic' terms.

I had tried to keep in touch, but alas, our friendship didn't last and he found himself a girlfriend and a new best friend that was most probably less stalker-ish.

But I still didn't think I was gay.
No I just thought that I was going through a 'phase'.

Thinking back on it, maybe I was dropped as an infant or something, because no one can possibly be that fucking slow without a neurological defect.

It was the year after that (at the age of fifteen) that the locker room incident happened and I became blissfully aware of my really fucking apparent gayness.

I think my only regret from this period of time was not calling the pizza man out on his blatant bullshitting.
And you know, letting my best friend walk away without my virginity.

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