Chapter 1 ~ Someone New

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Hey! I'm Amanda :) Nice to meet ya ;D Anyways this my first story so yeah, I hope I get some views and thanks xoxo :D

 ----October 3rd, Thursday----

"Ma! I'm leaving!" I yelled as a picked up a piece of toast and popped it into my mouth.

"Okay Hun, have a good day at school, be careful walking!"

I rolled my eyes, really mom, I'm like 16, I think I can handle myself.

"Love you!" I tried to say with the toast all jammed in my mouth. I close the door and started my way to hell. Nah, just jail. Oh yeah, Knightly High is just amazing! You should see my expression while I say that. Priceless. It's been a month into school and its been okay. I keep my distance, everything is usually okay. See when I get "involved" that's when everything...just...okay, not good let me leave it there.

I have one really good friend, Candy. Okay, don't even judge her because of her name. I can see you now...Oh, God...Candy? Really? What were her parents smoking?

Well truthfully I can't answer that question...but I'm sure they weren't smoking anything but well don't hold it against me or anything...but like I said before you distracted me with your unintelligent question, Candy is freaking awesome. I swear to God, She's an Angel but a Devil. She's all of the above.

She's always been there for me whenever I needed her. We went to Kinder-garden together and we have been inseparable since then. Ah, those were the days...nap time and my sippy cups were my best friends. They seem long gone now. *Sigh* It's true!

Junior year sucked ass. I had braces, I still had my baby fat, and I had a pair of the dorkiest pair of glasses. I swear my parent's wanted my early teenage years to be remembered as a living hell. Candy was always pretty. With her naturally curly red hair and her emerald eyes. She had natural beauty. She was always well uh lets say more developed than all of the girls. She went through everything first. First period, first boobs, first boyfriend, first kiss, and you get where I'm going.

Well with me being the beauty queen that I was, I got made fun of a lot. It was horrible. I would come home crying and well it's not like that anymore but it still hurts every now and then. Candy always made me feel better though. She would kick anybody's ass for me. I love her!

Shortly after my 10 minute walk I arrived...lovely. I took a deep breathe and approached the zombie like teens. They were all clustered together with their friends. I briskly walked by and went straight into the school but I kind of stopped when I heard Melissa talking about something well...kind of interesting.

"...Sam, he's Irish!! Their accent is amazing..."

"...but don't tell anyone. Daddy is surprising everyone today!..."

Well, well, well...the principal's daughter has gotten some news and I guess her friend now has...and well me too. Oh well. I wonder what she's talking Irish boy? Well how um, cute I would say.

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