Chapter 10 ~ Broken Nose

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----October 7th, Monday----

English on Monday went soooo good like OMG!

Seriously, like I would ever say that! It went horrible. Sean went and tried to sit next to me. I was just like creep, go away please because I don't want to be near you since you didn't stick up for me. Guys stick up for girls when bitches knock them down. At least, that's what I thought they were supposed to do. I know Jamie would.

I smiled. Jamie. My boyfriend. MINE!! With his cute blond hair that was always messed up but it looked adorable on him. His kisses. Dear Lord, his kisses. Let me say, are pretty damn good. I haven't kissed a lot of people in my lifetime as a 16 soon-to-be-17-year-old gal but Jesus, the boy puts everyone to shame. I hoped he felt the same.

He's driving me crazy.

Jamie, well yes but I mean Sean. He kept trying to pass notes to me. One time I got fed up. I raised my hand when Mrs. Young was picking for people to read Dracula out aloud.

"Yes Sandy, go ahead." I cleared my throat and said, "I will gladly read if you told Mr. Walsh too stop disturbing me." Some people laughed. I could see from the side of my eye he was cowering. Might I also add to that blushing.

Mrs. Young sighed and glanced at Sean. "Please stop disturbing Sandy, Sean." He softly whispered. "Yes ma'am, sorry Sandy." He said to me. I rolled my eyes and read out aloud to where we left on.

Serves him right for trying to talk to me. Hell it was getting annoying.

It was like Sheldon from the Big Bang Theory. This time instead of 'Penny' It was my name.


Jesus all he needed was to be knocking on my desk, I probably would have lost it though and punched him.

My, my, my, I am a violent person. Oh well, sometimes a bitch needs a bitch slap and a douchebag needs a kick in the balls.

If only I could stop time and do that to the people who deserved it, I sighed....

The bell rang and everybody was running to get out of class.

"Hold on ladies and gentlemen! Homework! Read chapter 3 & 4 tonight and answer these essay questions. Tomorrow there will be a quiz." She passed us the papers as we left to get out of the class. I groaned.

Just when I thought maybe she had forgotten about homework.

Also to add to that, just when I thought I had avoided Sean, I realized I still had another hour with him at music.

God dammit.

He grabbed my wrist just as I walked out of the class. I tried to get out his grip but well that was nearly impossible. We had a few minutes to talk. Wow wasn't I lucky.

"What the do you want Sean?" He let go of my wrist. We were walking to music class side by side. I didn't want to be that close to him but I had no choice when freshman, sophomores, juniors, and seniors crowding up the damn halls.

"Okay hear me out please! I'm really sorry about Friday night. I felt horrible. Those damn girls." He smirked. I so wanted to slap him to wipe of that smirk.

I squinted at him and he glared right back. "Those damn girls." I said in a mock of his tone. He looked offended. Like I gave a damn. "Those girls are nothing but little sluts! First off." I put my hand up and did a counting off my pointer finger. "Pamela is a dumbass blond who can't fucking think for herself," I went to my middle finger, "Marci is just a fucking fake girl who only gives a shit about herself." and then I went to my ringer finger, " Veronica," I laughed, "She only fucks all the guys on football team but if she touches Jamie, she's dead meat."

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