Chapter 7 ~ Jerk

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I was kind of being stupid.

Just a little I mean, nothing really harmless. 

I was only going to get into 'trouble' with the Irish Lad, who I don't even know...

I'm just someone to look up to aren't I?

"Hey, uhh...." He smiled. "My name is Sean Walsh." "Well uhh Sean, when you say trouble..." He laughed. "I mean....going out with me, on a date." I stopped dead in my tracks. No. I'm with Jamie...right? I mean well we haven't said it officially that we are boyfriend and girlfriend...but wouldn't that mean Im cheating on him. I gasped.

"Uh, are you okay Sandy?" I shook my head. "I c-c-can't, I'm with Jamie."  He looked away from me. "Just friends then?" I sighed. Jamie wouldn't be mad about that because we are just going as friends.

What the hell.

"Sure, lets go Sean."

We headed out of the school where I saw Jamie sitting out on the bench. He was waiting for me!

Oh shit, this is gonna be Awk.

"Hey...babe." He looked over at Sean. I went and kissed Jamie on the cheek. "Babe, you didn't have to wait for me." He made a mhm noise. "Jamie.....this is Sean."

They both just stared at each other.


"Well, nice meeting you babe, I have to go just wanted to say  bye, I have football practice. See you tonight at 6:30" I nodded my head. "Bye babe, thanks for waiting." He nodded his head and kissed my cheek. He went walking the other direction where the field was.

"Well that was...." "Tense?" I laughed a nervous laugh. 

"Yeah you can say that."

I felt my phone go off and I had a text from Jamie.

"Don't let him touch you babe, or I will go after him :*"

I smiled. "Don't worry babe, my eyes are only on you :*"

"Good ;)" 

We were walking down the street. "Well, wanna go to my restaurant?" He gleamed. "Food?" I laughed, wow yeah typical guy. "Yes. Food. You. Like. Pizza?" I talked to him a like a little kid. "Me. Likey.Food." I laughed real loud. "You have a cute laugh." I blushed. "Um thanks. Well here we are." I pointed to the restaurant, we got there pretty fast He opened the door for me.

"Ma!" She turned around and saw me. She smiled and came over with her skirt swishing all over her and her nice teal shirt. "Ma, you overdress for this little place." She patted my arm. "Not true! So, who's this?" 

He smiled and stuck out his hand. "Well hello Mrs. Clark's, my name is Sean Walsh, I just move here from Ireland. I met Sandy in det-" "We met in English class." I glared at him. She didn't see anything going on between us. "Well all the way from Ireland! Welcome, I hope you like it here. Go and pick a table, someone will be right with you." "Thanks." We said together.

I lead him to the a booth in the corner of the room. 

"Well...its nice here." "Yeah it's cute, I love it here. My mom and I decorated the place...we painted the walls blue had wooden floors put in....hung painting, put flowers all around the place...we did a good job, well I think."

I looked mom and I did such a great job, we should look into decorating houses...never mind I'm 16,  I love my mother but no way.

"Well you both did a real good job." I nodded my head and mumbled a thanks. Becca came over to us. She was a senior at Knightly High. She had long wavy blond hair with chestnut colored eyes. She also had faint freckles that were super adorable on her. She was also really short. She was so cute! Also a sweetheart.

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