Chapter 14 ~ Confessing The Truth

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----October 10th, Thursday----

I was in complete shock when all of a sudden Jamie was on a lunch table trying to get everybody's attention. It was on our lunch table. I felt mortified.I was trying to cower under the table. Everybody was staring at us and I knew my face probably looked like a bowl of fruit punch.

"Jamie!! Get the hell off the table!!" I half whispered and screamed. "Babe, I'm proving to you something." I glared furiously at him. He looked away and yelled. "Everybody! I have something to say!" He waited and some people stirred looking at him. He made a huge noise by whistling with his fingers. Everybody's face was to him...there was about thousands of eyes looking it felt like.

"Yooooo Jamie!!!" One of his football players yelled. Jamie smirked. "I have something to say, is everyone ready?" They didn't really respond. "Well, I'm just gonna say this." He looked around the room. "My girlfriend, Sandy Clark's is the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. She has these green eyes that look like jewels in the sunlight. She snorts and laughs cutely. She gives me the best kisses that I have ever had. Her personality is amazing. She's....just flawless" He smiled and winked towards me. I smiled and I felt my face getting hotter.

"She doesn't deserve a liar like me....Okay listen up now! I have something to say!" Then Veronica screamed. "No! No you don't Jamie! Just stop while you can still stop!" She was running as fast she could with her white stripper heels. Pamela and Marci were behind her.

"Veronica please just go! GUYS!" He looked towards the crowd of blurred faces. "I'm a virgin. Yeah that's right! I'm waiting for my one true love! HA! I must sound so corny, huh?" Veronica's's jaw may have dropped. I looked at everyone's face and they looked shocked.

We all have heard stories about Jamie's crazy...err experiences I will say.

"I made a bet with this dumb broad, because she found out my secret. Well....I was stupid! Then she said to hurt Sandy, which I did...and I could never forgive myself...." He looked towards me and stuck his hand out. I looked at him and took a deep breathe. I shakingly reached for it and he gripped onto me and helped me onto the table. "I thought keeping my image was more important than this girl right here." He held me close to his chest. I looked at him and felt my eyes brimming with tears.

"So yeah guys I'm a phony, and all the football players go ahead and make jokes at me. I don't care. I almost lost this chance of being with an amazing girl because of my stupidity." He looked back at me and said into my ear. "I'm so sorry." He nuzzled my neck. I heard a few aw's and somebody yelled "Kiss her." He put his gaze back to my eyes. I reached behind his neck and he kissed me passionately.

I heard some people wolf whistle and then someone yelled. "Get some!" I giggled while kissing him. He pulled away. "Does this mean you are giving me another chance?" I nodded my head. I choked on my tears. "Yes!" I kissed him again and I felt the tears running down my face. The bell rang and he hugged my hard. "I'm sorry for what I have done, I promise to be a better guy." I pulled away. "Babe..." He put a finger to my mouth. "I promise." I nodded my head and kissed me again ever so lightly.

--- October 11th, Friday----

Today was my in school suspension.


Go. Me.

I sighed seating in the seat.

"Ladies, please work on all the work you have been given by your teachers. You may not go to the bathroom until lunch time which you are to in here and only have 15 minutes. No talking whatsoever and if I see any electronics out, well.....I will keep it over the weekend. Have I made myself clear?" Veronica slapped her gum obnoxiously. "Whateverrrr." She twirled her hair and made a bubble with her gum. "Yes Mrs. Carson." I replied.

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