Chapter 17 ~ Life After You

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----November 18th, Tuesday----

I tapped my finger up against the desk and I was praying to God for this horrible class to end

Golly, I really, really hate Chemistry now. I'm paired with Jimmy. He's okay...I guess if you like a guy who takes a shower with cologne. It's the same colonge that Jamie used to wear too. Totally helps with my healing heart. I gripped the desk and swallowed hard.

Hey Jamie? You there? I miss you. I miss you a lot.

Remember that bracelet you gave me for my birthday on the 1st? I wear it all the time now, it reminds me of you. Whenever I miss you, I look at it and smile. I know you will always be by my side.

Why couldn't you really be by my side though?

I sighed and bit my lips. Calm down Sandy, you still have six hours of school left. You can make it through this. I shook my thoughts off of Jamie, well I tried too, that was difficult. I paid attention to what Mr. Daniel was teaching. Listening to him was a task in itself. I closed my eyes and let his voice drone in my ears.


Music. Sweet music class. Here I come baby.

I got up and threw my books in the bag as swiftly I could and ran out of the classroom. Oh yeah. I totally ran, with my crutches that is.

When I got out of the classroom, Sean was there to walk me to the class like he usually does. He held his hand out and took my backpack. At Knightly High, there were absolutely no lockers, at all. I mean most high schools all have lockers. Aren't we just the special ones. So my backpack always weighed like a ton it felt like, and with the cast well that just made everything worse so Sean offered to help carry my bag around when he could.

I gave him my crutch and took one strap off and did the same to get the other strap off. I threw my bag into his hands and he easily caught it without any trouble.

"Hey love how are you?" He asked me this question all the time. I was responded with the same lie. "Just fine Sean, how about yourself?" He would nodded his head and we both slowly walk. "Very good." He mumbled. I would try and think of something to talk about but that was difficult, I couldn't think. My mind was blank. We would usually just together in silence. It wasn't necessarily a bad silence, maybe a little awkward but well I'm awkward so what else is new.

When my mind wandered, it was always going right back to Jamie. I bit my lips. 14 days Jamie. That's when your life was taken away by a drunk driver. You protected me though. Your body protected me immensely, I would have died if it hadn't been for you. I love you so much, I hope you know that.

I had slowed my walk down and Sean hesitated and put an arm around my shoulders. He brushed a tear away that was on my cheek; I didn't even know that it was there. "I know you are lying to me all the time about how are you. Be strong love, time heals everything." I nodded my head and we both walked together into class.

We made it just in time and we both sat together. I sighed. I really hope you are right Sean. This wound will take time to heal though.

Hailey poked my shoulder. "Hey, how are you?" I took a deep breathe. "I have had better days to be honest, but I'm okay." She frowned and gave me a rub on the back. "I'm sorry, do you mind if I sit with you at lunch?" I gave her a smile, well I tried, it probably came out distorted though and she had a weary look. "Of course!" She half hearted smile back. "Thanks my 'friends' ditched me when they realized I wasn't cool enough." She flipped her blond hair over her shoulder. "Whatever, they were bad influence anyway, trying to get me to smoke weed and crap like that." She chewed on her gum. "Thanks." She flashed a quick smiled and we both paid attention so we wouldn't get in trouble.

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