Chapter 3 ~ What...Just...Happened?

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I was walking by myself to my next class. I had English...Yay, favorite subject.

Not. I hate English. 

I'm kind of lonesome. I mean I'm so used to being by myself but I guess it gets to me sometimes. I wish I could have a nice boyfriend. I smiled at that thought. Somebody who would love me, tell me I'm beautiful, care about me, and be there for me always. I sighed

I gotta stop thinking about stuff like that

I pushed through the crowd and finally got to English. Mrs. Young was a good teacher. Mostly everyone was in the class, I went and sat in the back next to some girls that I don't really know because newsflash I'm not a social butterfly.

The bell rings and everybody shifts back to their desks. Mrs. Young goes and shuts the door "Hello class today we are-" A kid comes flying in. I kept doodling on my notebook because I figured it was some late kid. As usual, I hate people who are late. 

"Uh, Mrs. Young? English?" I shot my head up. Oh.My.God.

"Yes, um Sean? Sean Walsh?"

He nods his head. "Yes that's me, I'm really sorry about being late, I guess I well overslept." he chuckled so cute. 

"Well dear go take your seat." "Thank you ma'am."

I swallowed. Its the Irish kid! He Damn. He had these blue eyes that I could get lost in. His hair was a brown with a reddish tint that covered his forehead. His voice...Oh mama likey his voice. He was about 5"11 and was certainly toned from what I could tell of his shirt. 

Oh boy.

All the girls were staring. He sat in the corner of the class. I looked back down at my notebook. I was getting a little hot. We all tried to pay attention in class but that was very challenging, more then other times. Ah Jesus, he's gonna be real popular fast. He was paying attention to the teacher, ignoring everyone around him

The guys didn't really care for him, of course but all the girls did. It was like all our hormones were going off at the same time. 

He's flawless...he's perfect...he's amazing...

That's why I'm staying away, I sighed,

The bell rang and all the girls ran over to him. I mean they literally killed each other to get to him. I just grabbed my stuff and left as quickly as I could so I could get to my favorite class.


I smiled. Oh yes, music I love it. It's always made me happy. Playing the piano makes everything feel better. I don't know what I would do without it. I took lessons when I was seven. My parents had brought me to this really famous pianist, Fiona McCoy. She was amazing. I still remember that day perfectly. 

She gracefully walked over in a red silky dress that fitted her every curve. She had these black high heels that were glossy in the light. Her chestnut hair was in a perfect bun. The diamonds on her sparkled. She was smiling as she made her way to the piano. I gasped. 

Golly, she was beautiful!

She took a deep breath and started to play.

It was like her music took over me, the melody rang through my ears and I closed my eyes. I was so young but I knew in my heart and soul I wanted to play piano like her. If I could play like her, I would be happy.

I turned to my mom and whispered, "Mommy...can I take lessons?" She smiled and said, "Of course Hun, of course." She patted my hand and went back to watching Fiona play with such deep love for the piece she was pouring her heart into.

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