Chapter 12 ~ Confrontation

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----October 8th, Tuesday----

I hate confrontation. Personally, I would rather go hide in my closet and live there forever then to confront people, especially my boyfriend. I trust him, well yes of course! I really like him, but well...we both have to be honest with each other. If he's gonna be friends with Jamie, they are gonna be on the same football team,I have to set some stuff clear. I really hope he didn't sleep with her.

The images....oh no...they are coming now....I just threw up a little in my mouth. Sandy, don't throw up all over your homework now. I looked at my $10 crappy thing I call a of watch, it was 5:00, Jamie and I were having dinner together at my restaurant after football practice.

Becca came over with my Coke. "Hey, thanks! Your a doll!" She flashed a smile, "Oh thank you! No problem....and oh I heard about the fight." She gestured towards my nose. "Hell, everybody heard about the fight. I can't believe you guys go into a cat right. MEOW!" She pawed her hand. I laughed, "Yeah, that was really worth the freaking broken nose." I sighed and touched my nose. Ugh, it still hurts...and the bruises under my eyes and around my nose look even worse today.

"I know, sorry about the broken nose, but did you see her today?!" She plumped down in the chair across from me and took a sip of my Coke.

I had seen her! The poor freshman, she was scared of Veronica, a lot of them are, she may be a junior but. Veronica has an aura, a bad one at that...but well she purposely walked into her, and then blamed her! Then she pushed her. I wish the freshman had punch her in the face, in the left eye this time.

"Man, that poor freshman, but she clearly walked right into her! I can't believe she just pushed her down! Did you see Dean?" She cocked her head. "Dean....?" Dean had help the girl up after Veronica pushed her down. He was sitting at the table, a couple feet from action. The girl smiled at him and Veronica just clicked her heels away.

" yeah Dean was the guy that helped her up, he's a real sweet guy." She gave me a puzzling look. "His name is Dean Xavier, he's a senior? Just moved here?" I stared at her and played with her hair. "Dean....Dean....DEAN!" She straightened up in her chair, "Right! Yes! We have AP English and Pre-Cal together. Oh my God, that kid....phew, he's one hottie!" I smirked.

"Looks like someone has a little crush." I winked and she blushed slightly. "Do not! I just...well" She giggled. "Don't worry, i will set... you up with him." Her jaw dropped. "What?! Really?! Like how?!" I laughed. "Well...I know him, he's a close friend of mine, we used to date, we both went to this camp together and one year we fell in love and made love." I wiggled my eyebrows. "Oh my gosh!! You guys had sex!" She said too loud. I widen my eyes and smacked her. "Jesus Becca, why don't you just tell the whole world while you are at it!" I looked around and I guess nobody had heard. Thank God.

"Sorry but awwww, what happened?!" I hated telling this side of the story, "Well, uh okay after you hear this please know that he changed, he's a better person now, much older too....well we promised to keep in touch and well he never responded to any of my messages that I sent him....none, I felt so betrayed by him, I thought ya know he loved me and he did but he got scared. He never felt the way he did with me with other girls. He probably thought he was gonna get he stopped talking to me right after camp. I was shocked but I got over him and I have Jamie." I took a sip of my coke and looked at my watch. 5:10, only 50 more minutes.

"Douchebag!!" I laughed and soda almost came out of my nose. "I know, I know, believe me....but he apologized and well...I think I have forgiven him or....well I forgot about the past and I moved on...I'm not sure. But please, don't think badly of him, he's more mature now, hell he came out in the middle of the night and wanted to talk to me! He did too last night, we talked for a couple of hours but then he left." She nodded her head and put a finger to her lips.

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