Chapter 15 ~ Pure Bliss Shattered

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----November 4th, Monday----

It's been exactly one month.

A month. I thought to myself, I smiled and softly sighed to myself. Time certainly does fly by when you're happy.

Just a month ago in October Jamie was asking me to be his girlfriend, and now we had been through quite a few obstacles but we are happy together, nobody could ruin what we had. We are strong.

I think to myself sometimes, 'wow, I use to hate the kid!' Now I'm like...'wow, I can't live without this kid!' He certainly changed my mind about him.

I still talked to Dean now and then and I have to say, it was adorable when Jamie would get jealous. I would just tell him he's crazy and my eyes are only him, nobody else's. I haven't really talked to Sean lately though I mean sometimes we chit chat in class like if asks me a question and in music class we talk about the piano and how much we love it. He told me that he can also sing but he's not a real good singer. That's probably just a bunch of crap though because that's what every person says even if they are an amazing singer, ugh I hate people like that! It's like shut up, at least you can sing without breaking glasses in the room. I may have done that one time, which is I refused to song ever again.

Bad, bad memories.....

"Babeeeeeee, c'mon let's gooooooo!" Jamie was dragging me out of school. The day was over and we were walking together down the halls. It was crowded like usual and with him dragging me I had to keep saying excuse me to people I passed by.

"What's the rush darling!? Is today.....important?" He abruptly stopped and let go of my hand. He turned around and stomped his feet like a little kid. Some people looked at him and laughed to themselves.

Jesus Jamie you are embarrassing.

I still went along with it. I quietly giggled to myself. "Babe! I'm just kidding!" I planted a kiss on his lips and he responded by putting his arm around my back and pulling me closer to him. I ran my fingers up to his neck. We stopped when someone cleared their throat.


Ray and Candy were standing together with their hands clasped together. I smiled at them together like."Aw, you guys are so freaking cute!" I cooed at them. Candy looked away, hiding her tomato of a face. Ray looked at her and chuckled to himself. "We are pretty cute now aren't we?" Candy looked up to him and smiled innocently. "Well hell ya. I mean look at me!" she gestured to her body. I snorted.

Good old Candy.

"Jk babe you are hottttt!!!!" she exaggerated. I gagged!

"Is there a problem babycakes?" i shook my head and rolled my eyes. "Of course not pumpkin!" She winked at me and then guys looked at us. "Hey! We love each other like family you idiots!" She stuck her hand up and I high-fived it. "Guys." She said. I laughed and said, "Ugh I know!" Jamie and Ray looked at each other and both shrugged their shoulders.

"Well babes we have to go!" I nodded my head and he tugged on my hand. " Talk to ya later guys!" Candy waved. "Have fun! Call me later babycakes and if you don't my wrath will come out and it won't be pretty!!" I nodded my head. Her wraths were never pretty. "Okay, okay yes, don't worry Candy, bye!!" Ray half yelled bye and I waved and let Jamie drag me out of the school.

"Sooooo! What are we gonna do tonight?" I winked at Jamie and nudged him. We were siting together at a booth at my restaurant. "I can't tell you silly billy that would ruin everything! Don't worry, okay? I have it all planned out." I hmphed and he wrapped an arm around my shoulders and planted a kiss on my forehead. I smiled and closed my eyes. I nuzzled my head into his neck and I inhaled him. "Are you wearing cologne?" I felt him laugh. "Duh, gotta smell good for my lady!"

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