Chapter 16 ~ I Can't Remember

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My eyelids fluttered. I looked around me and I saw I wasn't at my home.

Where was I?

I was in complete darkness and my body was sore all over.

I looked at the clocked and it read 2:42. I tried to get up but I couldn't, there was this heavy force on my right leg that wouldn't really move unless I had the strength to and at a moment like this, I was too weak to do anything. I pulled the covers over my body and saw the big white cast that covered my whole leg. I gasped.

What happened to me?

I closed my eyes and tried to remember yesterday.


It was all a blank. I can't remember anything. All I know now is that I'm in a cast, my head is frigging killing me, and I have cuts and bruises on my body. I laid back down and put my hands to my face and tried to not cry but not knowing what happened to you and all of a sudden waking up like this, well I was in pure shock. I had no idea what the hell was going on and the only person I wanted right now was Jamie and I didn't even know where he was!

My heart beat grew faster and the tears came down my face like a stream. I cried myself to sleep

----November 5th,Tuesday----

I woke up and my vision was blurry. I blinked a few times and I saw people sitting in the little dinky chairs, they didn't look comfortable at all. When my vision was clearer, I realized I was in the hospital.  I still couldn't see anything. I didn't have contacts on or my glasses with me.

I soon noticed the red hair and I knew it was Candy and I was guessing it was Ray by the way they were sitting. She was holding onto him, like she was going to die without his arms around her. I stirred and they both shot their heads and saw me.

"Hey guys" I croaked. Candy jumped up and ran over to me. "Babycakes! Jesus Christ you scared the shit out of me! Are you okay?" I shook my head no. " Candy, I can't remember anything that happened yesterday, it's all a blank!" I was on the verge of crying. She pulled me into a hug. "The doctors said something like that, that you wouldn't be able to remember what happened. Listen, it's okay you are fine." I nodded my head and cried more into her shoulder. My tears wouldn't stop, I was on a roll now. "What about Jamie?" She pulled me away from her bug and looked up at Ray who gave a serious face. "Please, tell me!?" Candy took a hold of my hands and took a few shaky breathes.

"Sandy....I don't know how to say this but...Jamie..."


This can't be happening! Jamie! Dear God! I burst out crying again, this time it killed me, my heart felt like it was breaking. Someone ripped my heart out and was just stomping on it,continuously. I shifted and went under the covers of the bed. I started shaking and Candy rubbed my back. It didn't help though.

"Please tell me this all but a horrible nightmare and I'm gonna wake up soon to find myself in Jamie's arms!" Candy looked at away from the gaze I had on her. "Babe...I'm so sorry!!" She cried and Ray came over and his hand around her shoulders. She hung onto him.

I thrashed in the bed, pulling the sheets everywhere. "Sandy!! Stop it!! Now!!" She grabbed a hold my waist and pined me down. She searched my eyes. "You have to be strong Sandy! You can't be like this!" I was breathing hard. "Candy I can't fucking remember shit! Imagine waking up one day and maybe you had the best day of your life with Ray, but you can't remember it. Let's add that you were both in a car accident and he's dead!! He's fucking dead!!! When you have gone through this, please tell me! Maybe then I could not 'be like this.'" She let go of me and rubbed her eyes. "I'm trying to help you Sandy, you're my best friend, I love you like a sister, we have been through a lot together." I nodded my head and didn't say anything. I just put my back to her and she went to go sit with Ray on the dinky chairs.

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