Chapter 4 ~ Maybe It Won't Be That Bad

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What a freaking day that was, I thought sighing.

I met Ray, talked to the Irish hottie, and now I have a date with Jamie. That last one made me shiver all over. Like what the hell, he's just so...I can't even like understand why.


I finally made it home, both of my parents were working at the pizza shop they owned, Clark's Pizzeria. Everybody loves the pizza there. Its right down the road from school and from the house. Its real convenient I would say.

I slumped into the recliner and pulled out my math homework which is only going to put me to death. Hey world, if Sandy Paige Clark isn't alive tomorrow well her math homework killed her. But don't worry she's in Heaven because she's just an angel!

Yeah, I'm a freaking angel! but I'm pretty sure nobody would like notice I'm gone. Maybe Candy. I smirked. She wouldn't be able to live without me, we both know that. Its vice versa too.

I bet even Jamie would miss me. Oh my God. I did NOT just think that. Ah Shhhhit! No, you do not like him whatsoever. I don't care if he has Amber colored eyes that kind of sparkle when the sun light hits them...I don't care if he had messy blond hair that looks so cute sometimes...I don't care if every girl wants to date him because he's the hottest guy in school. I really don't care that he wants me either.

Yikes...I'm in a bit of trouble I think.

After finish all my homework before 6:00, it must have been a record for me. Like for real. I called my mom up.

Ring, Ring, Ring..."Hey sweetie, whats up?" I bite on my lip. "Hey mom, is okay if I go out tonight? Someone asked me out." I was picking at the thread in my shirt. "Well sure honey, dad and I will be home at 10:00, don't stay out too late, its a school night your homework better be done and who's the boy?And whats going on tonight?" I laughed. "Okay won't stay out late...I finished all my homework...and his name is Jamie Joys, hes taking me to the movies at 7:30." "Okay Hun, go ahead have fun and be careful, don't do anything stupid!"

Really mom? Really?

"Yessss mother, love you thank you, bye" "Love you too."

When I got off the phone, I had a texted from a number I didn't know of.

It said, "Put something cute on tonight ;)." 

It was Jamie, I just rolled my eyes and I threw my phone on my bed and went to my closet to pick out a 'cute' outfit. I decided on my black fitted skirt and a red tank top with my cute white leather jacket and a pair of white flats.

Was....was I dressing to impress?

Nah, nope just wanna look good like usual.

I took a quick shower and spritz on some perfumed that smelled like vanilla. I went to go sit down on the couch. It was only 6:50. I sighed and called Candy.



"Sooooo you ready for your hot"

I laughed, "Its gonna be a new experience but don't count on me to not throw up if anything happens."

She snorted, "Babes, he loves ya, You're just irresistible. Face the facts, guys droll over you!"

I literally dropped the phone.

"Sorry, I kinda dropped the phone, and yeah I'm sure they do for you of course!"

"Oh stop it you, but don't because I love to hear about how beautiful I am!"

We both laughed at that.

"Listen, babe just have fun tonight, okay? Give it a shot. You never how people are until you find about how they truly are when you're are alone from everybody."

Why does she always do that? Ya know...make sense sometimes?

"Yes yes mother, anything else?"

"Don't call me mother!! It makes me sound old!!"

I laughed, "Yes pumpkin, alright gotta go throw up, I think Jamie is a little early, wish me luck, Love ya Bye!"

"Good luck doll! Love ya, have fun."

I ended the call and Jamie knocked at the door. I went to the door and hesitated.

You can do this! You are Sandy, everything is fine...just breath...and breath...

I opened the door and saw him.


He looked fine! He had a crisp white buttoned shirt that fitted very well on him. It gave him such a slim look. The sleeves were just below his elbows. He had black slacks on and black shoes. He also had a red rose.

"Oh um hi." I smiled. I was getting a little nervous now. "Hey, you look great." I blushed. Oh God, I blushed. "Well um look" He gave me a cute smile with his white teeth. "Handsome....gorgeous...perfect?" I rolled my eyes and shut the door behind me making sure I locked it. I took the rose from him and said, "No, like the ass I know you are."

I stomped off to the car and got in. I crossed my arms. He really needs to get over himself.

He got into the BMW and said, "You know you don't have to be quite bitchy towards me." I gasped. I felt tears at my eyes. I hate being called a bitch. It just bothers me. More when it comes from a guy. I bite my lip to stop the tears. He looked at me and I just looked out the window.

'"Hey...Sandy I didn't mean...Oh fuck, i'm sorry, I didn't mean it. I guess I am an ass." He laughed slightly and I just nodded my head. He grabbed my hand and kissed it.


I was just a little shocked I guess.

"We aren't going to the movies...I changed the plans..." I smiled. "Are you gonna tell me where we are going?" His eys sparkled. "You will see."

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