Chapter 11 ~ Álainn

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"SANDY PAIGE CLARK'S WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?!" My mom screamed at me when I came through the doors. Ugh, I knew I had this coming. I sighed. Okay, be good, make the statement clear to her, I'm sure she will understand if you're calm about it.

"Mom, I'm sorry I was stupid and now I have to go the hospital again and my head really hurts." I started to sob, okay that was really uncalled for, I guess I had built up on my tears today. "Oh hun...." She lowered her voice. I slammed my backpack on the ground and we met halfway in the living room. I cried into her shoulder while she smoothed out my hair that was probably a disaster. "I didn't mean to...she's just...a bitch! Sorry for swearing mom, but it's Veronica! I hate her!" She laughed. "She is, I hate to agree because I'm suppose to be the adult and all but she always starts it, I don't know what her problem is" She took a deep breath and let it out.

I started to hiccup, she pushed me off until she could look me in the eyes. Her emerald eyes were beautiful, I really do look like her, besides that she just has shorter hair then me. "Hun, I will talk your father, unfortunately I do have to punish you." I sighed, I had it coming.

"Don't worry, it won't be too much! But really, walk away next time, please? Fighting never solves anything." She had a point but damn! It felt good beating her up.

"Also, let's go to the hospital." Ugh, I hate the hospital but well she did like you know break my noise and all.

"Okay, go ahead and get in the car, I will be there in a second, gotta go do something." She nodded her hear and went to the kitchen to grab her keys. Her pumps clicked against the wooden floor. That noise is really freaking annoying when you had a headache that's the size of a softball.

I ran up to my room and grabbed a red v-neck shirt. I looked at my jeans, wow, no blood. Thank God for black jeans.

I looked at my phone and I had a few messages.


Babycakes!!!! I didn't see you at lunch? Where were you? I hope your nose is okay! Damn, I wish I had saw the fight! Way to put her in her place :)


BABE!!! Are you okay!?! I hope you don't get in trouble with the rent's, missed you eating my food at lunch today ;) Text me asap, I might be at football practice tonight, want me to beat up that Irish Lad? Also Veronica? Anyways, be careful doll :)

Unknown Number:

Hey, it's Dean.

Shoot, how did Dean get my number?! I don't even know....wait....Facebook. Damn, I'm taking my number down now. I responded to their messages and grabbed my iPod and headed down stairs.

About an hour later.....

"Well, that went real well mom." It had I guess. Dr. Thomas was surprised to see my again, his first words were, "Did you fall again?" I laughed. "No, better, I got into a fist fight." He laughed. "Oh, yeah I guess that's better." He winked and I just smiled at him.

"Hun, you got lucky, there will always be that bump but don't have to have surgery so that's good. He said It will take a couple weeks for it to not swell, but well, you will live."

I sighed, yeah unfortunately I will continue to live and breathe.

We arrived home and a motorcycle was parked in front of my house

Who could that be?

"Uh, sweetie, do you know..." I shook my head. "No, but I have feeling who it is." I mumbled and got out of the car. She cut the engine and got out too.

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