Chapter 8 ~ Surprise, Surprise

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I was frozen.


That was literally stuck in my mind.

Like a broken record. I shivered.

I screamed, and ran down the stairs, but then I tripped because I'm clumsy. I landed on the floor hard.

"Owwwwwww!!!." I started to cry again, Jesus, today is just the day for me to cry endlessly I guess. He came running down the stairs.

I put my hand to my head and felt blood.

Dean hurried and got a white towel, what the hell seriously white out of all the colors?!

"Sandy, are you okay?" His voice rung in my ears. It was husky. He handed me the towel. "Leave me alone Dean, please just go!!" His face slowly turned into a frown. "Please....I'm sorry. Sandy....please, talk to me?"

I wanted to shoot him. He deserved to die after everything he put me through.

"GO!!! Haven't you done enough? How the hell did you even get in here?" I was slowly getting up and he put his arm in front of me. I smacked it away. "Don't touch me." I was now looking into his deep brown eyes. Then I felt dizzy.

Damn, I must have hit the floor hard.

He reached out to steady me. I felt ice when he touched my skin. I wanted to throw up. Oh Lord, the chips are gonna come

I ran to the bathroom and threw up.


A few minutes later....

"Hey, Sandy are you okay?" I came out of the bathroom looking and feeling like shit. Ugh, it's his fault.

"Listen I'm fine. Not like you actually give a damn. I don't know what you want but the door is over there, so don't let it you hit on your ass. " I started to walk away but he grabbed me by the wrist.

"Let go of me!!" He covered my mouth. "Listen, we don't have time to talk...I will be back here tonight at midnight...just please, give me a chance."

I was crying again, but then I heard Candy knocking on the door.

"Babycakes!! I got your favorite ice cream!!"

"Be right there Pumpkin!!" I said through tears.

"Please don't tell anyone I was here."

I nodded my head. He went back to my room and went out the window since their were trees easy enough to climb.

I was....confused! Like hell!. I went and answered the door. Candy took one look at me and almost dropped the ice cream all over the place.

"What the fuck?!? Sandy!' I forgot my head was bleeding. "We are going to hospital, right now!" She went inside, put the ice cream away, took my keys from the dish, locked the door and pulled me to her car.

She got me in the car and drove off to the hospital.

An hour later....

"Well she's fine Mr. and Mrs. Clark's. Tell her to take it easy for a couple of days and to keep the bandage on."

Both of my parents thanked Dr. Thomas and hurried to me. I was sitting on the bed, piss off that I was even here and more mad about Dean.

"Oh hun! You had us scared, please please please be more careful next time...I know you are clumsy, "She quietly laughed, "But please, next time." I nodded my head and chuckled a little

"Jesus Christ Sandy, you scarred the shit out of me." Candy said this while driving me home. I sighed. "I know I'm sorry...did you text Jamie?" She patted my hand. "Of course! He's instead gonna come over tonight for fact...he should be at your house right about now."

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