Chapter 2 ~ Chemistry Fun, Literally

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"Womp, Womp, Womp. and more Womp." I swear to freaking God I was in a Charlie Brown cartoon. Mrs. Davis. Ah, good old Algebra teacher...she's nice and all just her voice. I cringed. Ooh that voice. Monotone as hell. Lets add to that, annoying! Why was first period her? Lord, I would rather have music. 

"So everybody understand?" Everyone grumbles and moans yes. I just nod. Yeah, sure I do. Let's just never have homework, a quiz, or a test on it because I epicly.

I looked up at the clock it read 8:30. Twenty more minutes. Yeah I can do this! Maybe I should pay attention. I write the problem and do it myself. " here's the answer." I look up feeling a little proud that I solved it before her. "...6xn(x4− 10)(x4 + 5)" I looked at my paper. Uh, yeah I got that. Sure.

I sighed, oh whatever I will just fail, its easier that way. I erased my paper with my little stubby eraser but then the paper riped. "Really?" I sighed in frustration. Then some kid went to go sharpen his pencil and knocked over all my books. "Ugh!" He didn't even bother to pick them up! Rude!

I bent out of the chair to pick them and I nearly fell out of the chair. The boy next to me grabbed my arm. "Don't hurt yourself there." I looked up and his white teeth were smiling at me. Well hello there..."Uh yeah, well I'm not real graceful." He chuckled. "Yeah I can see that." I smiled too. He helped picked my books up. "Thanks..." "Oh I'm Raymond, but everyone calls me Ray." "I'm Sandy...just call me Sandy."

Facepalm...damn I'm lame.

He laughed, "Will do." We both smiled at each other and then learned a little more about math. Lucky. Us.

The bell rang. "Well, looks like class is dismissed, everyone have a good day and don't forget about your homework!"

Yeah, I'm looking forward to doing that homework

I jumped up and got my stuff together. "Damn, where's the fire Sandy?" I laughed. "Algebra isn't my uh well favorite subject. Bleck." He did a boyish grin. How cute. "Yeah I suck too. What's your next class?" "I have Chemistry next."  We were walking down the halls together when I heard someone say my name. "Saaaaannnndddddddyyyyyy!" I rolled my eyes and turned around. 

She was in a fast paced walk. I could hear her girly voice. "Move over for God's sake!...This hall is for EVERYONE!....Will you two so nicely move your ass!....." She finally got to me. I was smiling my two year old smile. 

"WHAT?!" "I love you just a little." She smiled and straighten herself out. Her hair was a mess of curls on her head. She tried fixing it but it was useless. "Okay, love ya too babycakes but well...who's this guy?" She wiggled her eyebrows and I blushed slightly. 

"How rude of me...Candy this is Ray, Ray this Candy." She grinned. "Well hello there Ray, may I say you have some pretty eyes." I rolled my eyes. Dear Lord Candy. I looked around as she flirted with him. He chuckled. "Thanks Candy, you do too." She gleamed, "Yeah I know...ha-ha just kidding. Thanks!" 

I groaned. "Well this has been lovely talking and all but if I'm late for Chemistry...again," I glared at Candy and she gave a sheepish look,"I will be in trouble and I have about three minutes to run there so CHOW!" 

I wasn't going to be late again! I will make it! I ran to the class. Oops I just left Candy with Ray. Oh that boy is in for trouble. I slow downed my pace because I almost arrived to the class. The halls were less crowded because mostly everyone was in their class.

I stepped into the class right on time. Actually right before Mr. Daniel freaking slammed the door on me.  I gave him a 'well I'm here' look and he just shooed me. Somebody is clearly PMS-ing.

I sat in my normal seat in the back. I usually can pretend to pay attention but in realtiy I don't give a damn about atoms, chemcials, and reactions. I will take my notes and pass but it all just goes through one ear and out the other.

I looked over to a kid sleeping. Well at least I'm not doing that, give me credit here teachers, I show up and do my homework. I think that's pretty damn good, compared to others.

"Well...children." He scoffed. I squinted. We all aren't children. "Today we are doing a lab, so as I always do everything in order, you will be paired alphabetically." 


He didn't even have to say the names, we all knew who we were paired with and that's just great for everyone except me. For God's sake. I hate my last name. Kyles. That means.I swallowed.

Jamie Joys

I shuddered. I hate this kid. So annoying. Also to add to that, I know I'm doing all the work. 

Famous stupid high school football player can't do anything to save his life. Everybody just caters to him. And he thinks he intimidates everyone. This.Kid.Will.Never.Faze.Me. 

"Everybody go to their partners! If I hear complaining about who you're working with, straight to detention. Grow up and be mature you children." He scoffed again. 

Can he seriously do that? I mean what the hell...he thinks he's so amazing. He should really get off his high horse.

Everybody splits to go to their partners but I stayed glued to my chair. Here comes my nightmare

He strolls over to me and smiles. Please, I gagged and threw up a little. He smiled. "Feeling a little nervous that you have to work with this charming fella?" I laughed, "You're so full of shit." He touched his chest. "Hurtful, you should be more nice to me." I rolled my eyes. "Yeah when pigs fly. Lets do this stupid lab so then I won't have to work with you again."

He grinned. "There is still a full year..." 

Don't remind I thought.

Mr. Daniel passed the lab  to everyone. "Okay, today we begin the lab and then the write up is due Friday, works for everyone? That's what I thought."

We all just sigh and start the lab. I glanced at Jamie who was staring at me. Perv much. I looked down and saw my bra sticking out a little. I readjusted myself and button my cardigan up so he couldn't see anything.

I glared at him. "What? A man can't look?" I wanted to cut him. I tapped my pencil. "You certainly can't look you little boy." He rolled his neck and looked up to the ceiling. "Whatever, lets get this lab over with." 

I think you mean, 'Whatever, let's have you do all the work and do the lab and then I take half the credit doing absolutely nothing.'

I tense my jaw and looked at the lab. "Hydrate Lab...well that won't be too bad I guess." He looked at the paper and sighed. "Yeah sure, easy."

Sure...he doesn't even know what hydrate means.

Mr. Daniel gave us our supplies to start the lab. I did all the work while Jamie just sat there and watched me.

I was getting angrier by the minute, "Um, can you do a little less staring?" He rolled his eyes and stared outside. I guess that's better then me.

I wrote everything down and made sure I had everything when I would type the paper. "Okay, we are done, clean this up because you did nothing, as usual. Unfortunately your name will be on the paper I will type tonight. K? Your welcome. Bye."

He stared at me in disbelief. "Your the only girl who doesn't get overwhelmed by my presence, you're kind of feisty, I like it."

He's kidding right? I widen my eyes. "Thanks for the sweet talk and I really had fun today, but well" the bell rings, "gotta go."

I gather my stuff and run out of the classroom. 

Who the hell does he think he is?

I hate guys. Like Really.

Isn't there a nice guy out there?

Yeah, right I would faint if there was.

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