Chapter 13 ~ The Bet

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----October 9th, Wednesday----

I was in the crowded, noisy cafeteria. Jamie had his arm around my waist and I had my head on his shoulder. I closed my eyes and tried to block out the noise. Candy and Ray were flirting back and forth and Jamie was munching away at his turkey grinder. It was pretty nice of him now to ditch the popular and sit with a bunch of losers. I smiled and my put my arm around his waist and my other across his hard stomach. I squeezed him and he squeezed back. We kept doing it to each other and a giggle escaped from my lips. He kissed my forehead.

"Babe, you are so cute when you giggle." I blushed. "Babe you are so cute when you kiss my forehead." He winked. "What are you talking about? I'm always cuteeeeee." I squeezed him hard. "'t...breathe!" I let go of him and quickly kissed him on the cheek.

I needed to tell him about Dean. I have to, first off after school I promised his mother and him a job at the restaurant. I guess this was the perfect timing to bring him up and find out if Jamie knew anything about him.

"Babe....has anyone knew tried out for the team?" I asked innocently. He raised his eyebrows. "Why uh yes, his name is.....Dean? Dean...Xavier. He's alright. He's real good too. He was the quarterback at his old high school and we need a better one if we wanna go to the championship. Ryan hasn't been doing too good....including his grades have been slipping. So, he proved to coach that he's good yesterday and he's on the team now I think." I slightly nodded my head. "Well that's you like him?" He took a bite out of his grinder. He nodded his head and took a swig of water. "Yeah." That was good to hear, maybe this won't be as difficult.

"Babe, well um, I know him." He gave me a puzzling look. "He's my ex-boyfriend....we dated and well yeah..." He slowly nodded his head. "Tell me more." I told the story about how I transformed into queen? Okay....noooo, maybe just more of a confident better looking person, yeah that sounds better. He listened when I vented about how mad I was when he never responded to my messages and he shook his head.

"What babe?" He scratched his head. "Babe...I would never hurt you like that, you know?" I half smiled and squeezed him. "I know, I's the past, whatever I guess...he was nice though coming over at night and apologizing." I felt him tense. I looked up and his jaw was clenched.


"Babe, no no no noooooo!! We have done nothing together since he's been back." He looked at me and his eyes shimmered in the light. "How long has he been back." "Only like since Friday. Babe, listen now." I made direct eye contact with him. "I will never will again love him, I can't. He's just a friend. I would never hurt you like that. I like you too much." He smiled a little. "Okay, I know, I know I trust you. Just not other guys." I laughed. "Oh Babe, okay I will tell him he can't come over at night anymore." His jaw clenched a little. "Anymore?"


"He came over a few nights.....but it was nothing babe, please, just I will tell him, okay?" He nodded his head. "Plus, after school I have to do something so just head over to my house, okay? Here, I will give you my keys." I rummaged through my bag and grabbed my keys. I handed them to him and he shoved them in his pockets. The bell rang. "Okay babe, see ya later." He kissed my cheek and we both left to go to our classes.

End of the day, YES! Jamie walked me out of the school. Dean was leaning up against the tree. When he spotted me he came over to me. "Hey! Jamie! and Sandy!" He smiled and patted him on the back flashed a boyish grin at me. Jamie smiled back. "Hey Dean, what's going on?" His voice sounded tense. "Babe, I have to help get Dean and his mother a job today but I will be right over, okay? I promise." He nodded his head and we both kissed each other lightly. "Be careful." He looked right at Dean. "Yes babe, don't worry about me." He sweetly smiled. "Always do. Okay, I'm heading to your house now." I nodded my head and Dean and I started out walk to the restaurant.

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