Chapter 5 ~ A Different Side

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I was looking out the window, zoning out until I heard a distance voice hearing my name, "Saaaaaandy? Earth to cutie? Sandy?" I snapped back to reality.

Oh yeah, I'm in the car with Jamie Joys who looks gorgeous and going on a date.

"Sorry...I...was just uh looking outside."

Wow, that wouldn't be too obvious I guess, I laughed.

"Whats so funny?" He smirked. "Well besides that fact that I'm a real lame person sometimes, nothing then." He rolled his eye. "I don't find you lame, I find you...different. Not in the bad way, you're a good different that I really like." I blushed. 

"Listen Jamie," he grabbed my hand and we both intertwined them together. "Yes sweetie?" I lost my train of thought. I almost had a cow. Like the chances were pretty big of me having a baby cow in that car tonight. He squeezed my hand.

"Your holding my hand?" I stated the fact. "Well uh yeah, unless you don't want me too?" "No, no, no, that's okay...I kind of like it." I said it too quickly so I blushed when he glanced at me. "Its real good holding your hand Sandy, its like it fits perfectly into mine."

Ya know, I was thinking the same thing. My blood was really boiling now. I got real hot. Our hands were tingling together. I put my hand on top of our hands and I played with his thumb. I looked over to him and he was smiling.

I thought I should ask him a question that had been bothering me since this morning when he asked me out.

"Why Jamie? Why me? I'm nothing special? You could be with any girl that you wanted, but you chose me?"

His face changed to a serious one. "Sandy, I have liked you since..." he took a breath "Since like junior high. For like five years now. You are so sweet with everyone, even though you kept to yourself. You helped anybody who did or didn't ask for it. You are so're just amazing. Your so pretty and your smile is make me. Happy."

I looked at him in awe. Whoa, I didn't see this coming. I had butterflies in my stomach, real bad now. "Wow, Jamie that's so sweet like thank you." I didn't know what else to say.

I mean what the hell do you say to that?!

"I'm sorry Jamie but I always thought you were just the stupid football player....hey, don't give me that face, you were always annoying me....wait a second." 

I pondered was always annoying me because he liked me!!

Wow, I'm really bad with boys.

"What?" I giggled. "It all comes together now, you annoyed me and made me hate you because you liked meeeeeee. Jamie Likeeeeessss meeeeee." I sang out. He blushed furiously. "Aww I'm making Jamie blush like a red tomato....oh I have a good effect on youuuuu."

"Shut up." He stuck his tongue and I did the same. "Well looks like we are here." I looked out the window and saw it was one of those fancy restaurants. "Jamie...." He stopped the engine and got out the car and went to the other side of the door to get me out. "I wanted to deserve it." 

He helped me out the car and we walked arm n arm to the restaraunt. 

"Hello, welcome to Charlotte's Gourmet."

"Yes hello, reserved for two please under Joy"

"Ah, yes...right this way sir."

She led us down the packed restaurant. He leaned into my ear. "We are going somewhere more...quiet." His breath on my neck sent shivers down my spine. I could smell his old spice aftershave...Mhm, that smelt real good. I nodded my head and just followed the lady down the back where she took a right, and led us outside.

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