Chapter 18 ~ Someone Like Me

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----December 3, Wednesday----

"Just breathe Sandy." Sean whispered into my ear.

Jesus Christ

This wasn't happening. I put a hand to my mouth. Its all just a dream, lalala I'm going to wake up any second now. C'mon wake up Sandy!

Sadly, this wasn't a dream.

We had to perform our song to everyone I wasn't he only who tried to protest but it was useless, Mrs. Phillips had made up her mind and there was no way we could have changed it.  

Sean put a hand on my shoulder and I looked up to him and took a shaking breathe. He starred into my eyes and smiled his boyish grin. "Don't worry. You aren't the one singing. "

True...but at least you can sing.

I patted his hand that was on my shoulder. "Don't you worry, you are an amazing singer. Just relax, I'm playing the piano and if I mess up! Ah! That would just be horrible believe me!" He rolled his eyes and smacked my back playfully. "Yeaaaah, we will see about that."

Okay I was only going to throw up on the beautiful white piano, no big deal happens everyday I bet. Poor janitor. I for one would never ever want to clean up barf in the first place let alone mine. The horror! 

"Okay. Ms. Clark's and Mr. Walsh, it's your guys turn, show us what you have created!" Sean got up and held a hand out for me. I reached for it and grabbed for my crutches. We walked over together and I sat down on the comfy little seat. I lightly touched the keys and I could hear them calling my name.  

"Well uh. Sean and I wrote this song together...I'm going to play the piano as you can see." I nervously chuckled, nobody seemed to care. I cleared my throat. "Sean is uh singing and well here's our song it's called, 'Unforgetable Love,' and we hope you enjoy it."  

I looked over to Hailey and she gave me the thumbs up. I smiled and felt the butterflies in my stomach start to really churn now.

Hey Jamie. I hope you are listening to this song, it's about us.  

I took a deep breathe and placed my fingers on the keys. Then I played like I haven't played before. With such passion. Then Sean's sweet magical voice came in:

Wake up one day loving you

The next day you are gone

You slipped through my finger tips

All I want is you back

Maybe right now I'm going crazy

Maybe I just wanna run and hide

Maybe I just gotta go through this pain 

Ooooooh our love 

Ooooooh our love

Ooooooh oh

Feel our arms embraced

They way we kissed 

The tingles you gave me

The warmth of your body

I just want it all back

Is that too much to ask ?

Maybe I should forget you

Maybe I should move on

Maybe I need to fall in love again

But I want to feel our love

Just one more time

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