Chapter 9 ~ A Midnight Conversation

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I went back into my house and straight into my room. I was really dreading this night.

Dean Xavier.

I sighed and sat on my bed. I looked at the mirror that was across the room. I saw my reflection and smiled. I looked at myself and I saw for once beauty. I loved my hair and how it was wavy, it was really long, basically at my waist when I was sitting down. It was dark brown with highlights of a lighter brown. My eyes to me were really pretty. They were a light shade of green. I had a little nose and mouth but it made me looked cute.

I layed down on my bed. I thought about Jamie...then I drifted out into a light sleep.

An hour later....

I woke up to a knocking at my window. It was opened but he was just being polite without barging in. I rolled my eyes and signaled for him to come into my room.

I glared at his back. He turned around and looked at me. He wasn't spooked by my eyes slicing into his soul. He stared right back. I shifted uncomfortable.

"You can sit on the floor." I said. I didn't care if I was coming off as a bitch.

You get what you deserve.

He sat about seven feet away from me on the floor. I crossed my legs and arms.

He had all black on. Black jeans, black shoes, black shirt, and a black leather jacket. He smelled like a forest, with the scent of cigarette. I pinched my noise. Unfortunately smoking to me is a turn on.

His hair was jet black and was spiked up in the front with gel. His eyes were a dark brown. Everyhting about him screamed bad boy.

Every girl loves a bad boy.

"Well, say whatever the hell you wanna say." He looked around the room and stopped when he got to me."

He breathed and closed his eyes. He laid up against my closet.

"Okay, here I go....listen Sandy." I winced when he said my name. "I know you will never forgive me...and I'm just really sorry."

I snorted. His eyes flashed opened. "Yeah okaaaaaay."

"Sandy, I can only do so much! I said I'm sorry! Jesus!" He threw his hands up with frustration.

"Oh Dean, I heard you loud and clear. I'm the stupid one first off. I thought you actually loved me! Wow, what a loser I sure am! Over camp 1 year ago you and I got close...too close."

I closed my eyes. God, camp seemed like a long time ago.

I was going into to be a sophomore that year. My hair was a lot shorter. For that summer I had prepared fro myself. I knew Dean and I were going to be camp consulars for Camp Bo-Bo. Yeah, weird name but I had went to this camp every year in the summer since I was little. The camp was in South Dakota, I live in North Dakota. Dean lived in Nebraska.

I had a crush on him for a long time. We never really talked or hung out. I stayed mostly to myself, I talked to few of the girls but I was never really close to any of them.

The last time everyone had saw me at camp I was still my dorky self. When going to camp, I changed a lot over the year.

I went from being 5 ft to 5 ft 5. I got contacts and my braces were finally off. My teeth were perfect and straight. My hair was longer, it reached the middle of my back. I was also thinner, not totally skin and bones,cringe, I was, just right, slim. I had worked out during the year and my growth spurt helped a lot too. I was 15 and really happy with how I looked. I knew Dean was going to notice me now! He had too!

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