23. Alexa

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Matt didn't bother putting on a shirt, and I wasn't complaining. He lead me to the car and opened the door for me, taking a moment to smack my ass as I stepped in.

I guessed we were on again.

That's one way to take my mind off of Alexander.

Matt pulled out of the driveway and drove me to the Eastern side of town. Killgrand's territory. He tried to take my mind off of it by asking me about school.

But school made me think of Alex, and he was the reason I was in this whole mess.

Alex made me fucking suicidal. His mere existence, with his stupid, glimmering smile and stupid, huge wings. He made me want to die.

Matt made me want to die, but in a much different way. In a much safer - much more normal - way.

I shook my head and rolled down my window. Matt drove with his right hand drifting up and down my thigh. I let the wind rip Alex out of my head.

I watched the scenery roll by. Browning leaves of autumn clung to graying trees. Cracked sidewalks and drifting feathers on the streets raced by in a blur. Deep breaths.

The world changed.

We rolled into Killgrand's driveway.

We rolled through the iron gates and Matt stopped outside the grand brick building. I started to get out, but he held fast to my thigh. I glowered at him.


"You're not going in there alone."

"Well you're not coming with me," I snapped back, pulling my leg from his grasp. "So I guess I am."


I opened the door. "Look, Matt, I know you think I'm some fragile princess in need of saving, but I'm not. I can handle myself. So just wait the fuck out here." I didn't wait for his answer before getting out and slamming the door behind me.

With a deep breath, I approached Killgrand's door. I knocked loudly. "Let me in, asshat."

He opened the door and I was struck by the glory of a drug king. Cigarette hanging from his lips, a stained white tank top, and tattoos running up and down his muscular arms marked him as the stereotypical druglord. He looked me up and down, smirking. "Alexandra..."

"It's Alexa," I corrected. "And I'm not here for formalities."

He leaned against the door frame, blowing smoke into my face. "What are you hear for then?"

"Unlaced weed."

He stared at me with perversion shining in his dark eyes. "Come on in, babygirl. We'll see what we can do." He stepped out of my way, showing me the way inside.

I glanced over my shoulder to Matt one more time before walking in. Killgrand shut the door behind me.

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