24. Alexander

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I made it to Gracie's house by five. I made it into her bed by five fifteen. I made it home by nine that night.

I was drained, walking home in the dark. The street was quiet. My footsteps echoed as streetlamps flickered above me.

I gently touched the marks Gracie had left on my neck. They hurt. I pulled my hand away.

I don't know why, but my next breath rattled. I closed my eyes and looked up to the misty, dark sky.

I heard a car approaching and stepped to the side to let it pass. It shrieked to a stop, and the door opened. Alexa popped out, a mark darkening around her eye. "Get in!"

I tilted my head, stepping forward. Another car or two were coming quickly.

"Alexa?" I asked, inspecting the bruise.

"Alexander, hurry up!" She grabbed my arm and yanked me into the car. I caught the door and closed it behind me.

"Alexa? What's going on?" I looked at the driver's seat of the vehicle. A tall man with no shirt and a whole lot of muscle was absolutely stomping on the gas pedal. "Who is he?"

"You're in my car," the guy responded, not taking his eyes off the road. "Stop asking so many fucking questions."

I looked to Alexa.

"I'll tell you once we're safe."

I nodded, choosing to trust her as I looked over my shoulder. Sure enough, two card were speeding to catch up with us.

"Alex, get down," Alexa warned. I didn't listen.

Someone crawled out of the passenger side window of one of the cars. I watched him raise his arm.

There was a flash, a bang, then...


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