25. Alexa

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Blood. Blood fucking everywhere. It was warm. God, why was it so warm? Crimson stars speckled the dashboard, the windshield, me. All over me.

Glass sat on the seat beside me, scattering light from the street lamps we passed. I felt like I was falling.

My throat opened up in a scream. Alex slumped against the seat. Blood, blood, blood gushed and it gushed and it gushed out of Alex's shoulder.

"Fuck!" Matt screamed. "Jesus fuck!"

Instinct kicked in. I stopped screaming and checked Alex's pulse. Weak, and so fast it was hard to differentiate one beat from another... but there.

"Alexa, what the fuck?!"

"Shut up," I growled. I felt Alex's back for an exit wound. Thankfully there was none. I tore his shirt from the bloodied hole. "Drive to Darlien's. I'll handle this."

"Dar's?!" He cried. "He'll kill everyone there!"

"Do what I say," I snapped.

Matt gulped as we heard more shots fired behind us. He took the turn onto Darlien's road.

I took off my leather jacket. Staring down at it, I remembered Jessie. God, she was so beautiful.

I pressed the leather to my face, taking a deep breath as I whispered an apology to her, then pressed the fabric against Alex's wound. Pressure stops the bleeding. Stopping the bleeding keeps him alive. I reminded myself.

My hands shook, making it hard to send Darlien the text. "Killgrand coming. GET READY."

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