46. Alexander

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Had I not been literally shaking with rage unspoken, I might have been impressed with just how quickly Liz devoured an entire pizza.

But I couldn't be. No matter how hard I tried to yank my thoughts from her, they kept crawling back to the way she touched his face and the way she'd grip mine and the way she'd hit me. The way she'd lie through her damn teeth when she said she loved me.

The way she let my feathers fall and my wings shrink without ever telling me why.

I sat on my hands to hide them clenching into fists, desperate to crush anything in my way.

It was close to ten when Liz finally shouted in victory. "I found her!!"

I stood up to look at the screen that must have burned her eyes for so long. It was a grainy photo, but I'd recognize that constant scowl anywhere.

Kenith laughed softly. "Good job, short stuff."

"Where is she?"


My eyebrows furrowed together. "That's like six hours south."

Liz nodded. "I'm aware, Alexander. I'm the one who just tracked her every move through traffic lights."

I snagged my phone and flannel off the couch. "I'd better start driving then."

Kenith snorted. "Since when do you have a car?"

I sneered in response. "Since last year. I just don't use it. Walking is good for you, keeps--"

"Your abs defined for your superficial girlfriend?" Liz seemed far less than amused. "I don't wanna hear it. Where's your car?"

I huffed. "My place, but-"

"We'll drive you over. I've gotta drop off the dork here anyways," Liz explained, jabbing a thumb in Kenith's direction.

He took her hand and kissed it. "I'll drive, my love. You're clearly tired. Take a nap in the car til I get home, okay?"

Liz nodded. "You have your keys?"

Kenith smiled. "Of course."

I felt like I was watching something I wasn't supposed to see. "He has keys to your truck?"

"And the apartment," Kenith replied with a grin. "C'mon. You've got a long night ahead of you, Alex."

I nodded.

Sitting in the backseat of Liz's big red truck, I watched Kenith's eyes as they kept drifting to his girlfriend's sleeping form. His hand clasped hers. A smile, soft and slight, made its home on his face.

I ached for that.

I ached to look at someone like that again.

I ached for her.

I ached for Alexa.

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