26. Alexander

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 I was falling, falling, falling. My wings folded around me. I watched their feathers float up into the empty sky above me.

It was so silent, still, like the world was on hold.

Then yelling, from below me. "Alex!" It was Gracie. I turned myself so I'd land on my feet in front of her. "Alex, how could you? I love you!"

My eyes drifted to the moonpools of her own, back to her beautiful, soft wings. "I love you," I whispered.

"No you don't!" She screamed. Her hand flew back, then it slammed into my cheek. I smashed into the ground, coughing on the blood she brought into my throat. "I love you!" She yelled, her foot crashing into my ribs. "I love you!" She raised her fists and flung them down onto my head. "I love you!" Her fist flew into my chest.

I coughed and sputtered on my intestines. "Stop...," I mumbled. "Please..."

"I love you!" She repeated over and over, more and more attacks turning my body to meat.

A fuzzy form came into focus behind her. Bones of wings and a half shaven head, all held together by a leather jacket. "Get up, Alex," Alexa said, her voice silky and careless. "Get up and fight, for Christ's sake."

"I can't," I whispered meekly.

"You can't do anything!" Gracie shrieked. "You're a failure! Nothing is ever right with you, is it?"

Alexa rolled her eyes. "Just say it, Alex. Just fucking say it."

"S-Say what?"

"He doesn't have the guts!" Gracie continued. "You will never be good enough for me, Alex. you are nothing." She leaned down to me, spitting the words into me. "I never loved you."

"Say it," Alexa demanded once more.

I understood.

"I don't love you, Grace. You never loved me."

My words must have been a hurricane and she a feather because she was blown away like dust. I was suddenly able to sit up, feeling freer than ever. I stood and walked to Alexa.

"Good job, asshole," she said, but it wasn't angry. There was a smile hiding in her eyes.

My hand gravitated to her jaw and our lips collided.

And I kissed her and kissed her and kissed her until her bones grew feathers enough for our whole school.

I gave her my wings.

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