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Yeah, I couldn't resist.

Its for New Years guys. ENJOY!

A pre-warning, this is the Christmas before Jimin came to live with Yoongi.


Yoongi lazily scrolled through his phone, seated in the living room.. It was December 31st. The last day of this year. The year he was finally going to get promoted from being a sophomore. His friends were gonna come by any moment. As usual, without waiting for Yoongi's comment, they were staying the night to celebrate New Years with him.

He was actually quite happy with that though. This house was so empty and dead cold. His parents had called him over Skype and the had wished each other for a good year. But it just wasn't the same as if they were wishing you with an arm around you.

As someone knocked on his door, he opened it. Jin ran in in his hand a bag, without even greeting Yoongi.

"hyung?" Yoongi mused.

"it's so cold!" Jin complained, his hands desperately trying to warm himself. 

"yeah. That's why they call it winter. Dumbass"

"respect me. I'm-"

"you're my hyung. Yeah. I know"

"youngsters nowadays have no sense of respect" Jin sighed, shaking his head pityingly.

"you do know that you're only one year above me?" yoongi laughed, he opened the door yet again for Hoseok and Jungkook, who came in tightly wrapped in scarfs. They both lived in the same street so it made sense that they would come together.

"HI YOONGS!" Hoseok yelled hugging Yoongi, making him wince.

"yeah yeah whatever." Yoongi pushed Hoseok away. "we just met this afternoon"

"awwwww! you're blushing!" The idiot cooed. Yoongi glared at him. "no I am not"

"hyung we bought these!" Jungkook happily shoved a bag filled with junk food and soft drinks up Yoongi's nose. He took it from the younger and kept it on the coffee table along with Jin's supplies. Six hungry boys weren't going to last with just dinner. It was a common principle.

A few minutes later Namjoon and then Taehyung entered, each of them bringing more food and other supplies.

Jin looked around in an authoritative manner.

"so we'll need six mattresses. Six pillows and-"

The gang burst with protests.

"we're sleeping in two mattresses! It's so cold we need each other to keep warm!"

"are you crazy?! in this fucking weather we'd freeze to death with just a blanket!"

"how can you even think that?! We need all the heat we can possibly get!"

"okay okay. I was just saying..." Jin sulkily mumbled. 

"and we'll get into sleeping arrangements later" namjoon suggested. "I heard that a new Spiderman movie just released-"




"and he gets all the positive answers" Yoongi laughed at Jin's put out look.

"better luck next time hyung" he patted the older's back.

A few minutes later, the home theatre was in a festive, bright mood. Even Jin enjoying. Laughter filled the little room which was cosy due to the heater and the log fire that was burning merrily. Plates, cups lay all around, chips, Doritos falling out of their containers, drinks spilling without anyone noticing. They danced to the crazy little songs they sang which none of them know no more than a few lines. They tripped over each other, they gave each other random hugs. They drank wine even though they were under age. Who cares about age when no parents were around?

It was almost 10.45 pm.

The movie was still playing on the big screen, but it wasn't viewed by anyone as they were engaged in various silly games they had invented.

"so the one who I point has to *hic* take off one article of clothing!" Jungkook hiccuped, laughing.

"why?!" Taehyung groaned,clutching his stomach, which Hoseok just fell on trying to reach for the chips.

"It's the *hic* game! I'm the boss! you *hic* do what I *hic* say!" He haughtily said.

"that makes no fucking sense, but I like it!" namjoon cheered, throwing some Doritos to the air. It fell all over Yoongi who picked one from his hair and munched on it, chuckling drunkenly.

"no- no Kookie, you're too young" Jin giggled, drinking more wine.

"who's up for, heh heh, MORE WINE?!!!" Hoseok held up an unopened bottle.

"GIMME THE BOTTLE YOU BITCH!" Jin growled glowering at Hoseok. "honey, hand it over before I fucking kill you!"

Jungkook and Taehyung looked at Jin in amazement. "Eomma cursed! you say no cursing, but you did! you did!" 

"of course you shouldn't curse, baby, its bad" Jin tried to frantically cover himself. But he was caught red handedly.

"I'm your baby" Namjoon whined, hurt.

"Of course you are darling" Jin purred. "I'm just trying to get this-" he reached over to Hoseok. "-bottle!"

Yoongi laughed maniacally and lunged at the bottle and succeeded to breach the bottle out of Hoseok's hand and poured himself more wine, spilling some in the process.

"ha!" he yelled deliriously. "HA! I WON BISHES! GET A LOAD OF ME!"

"I want more!" Jungkook moaned. "more WINE!"

"you're *hic* underage!" Jin protested.

"we're ALL underage!" Taehyung raged. "I want more too!"

They all yelled for one wine bottled when they had about five more unopened ones left, yet they were too drunk to realize or care at the moment. The bottle of wine near Yoongi was everyone's prey. 

Time went by. Just like that until-






"HAPPY NEW YEAR!" they yelled, throwing up shirts and drinks, whatever they had in their hands to be honest, to the air.

After hugging and a lot of cursing and more drinking and even more eating, the six boys settled down on couches and chairs, all of them tired and very much drunk.

Slowly, one by one, they drifted off to a happy sleep.


Hope you got the festive spirit!




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