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Jimin was, if anything, dead serious.

Namjoon and Yoongi looked at each other, eyebrows raised. Yoongi shrugged. Then turned back to the figure in front of them.

"w-we'll start with some warm ups" Jimin suggested, not to be opposed. He was doing this his way. And that meant, the hard way. He was going to teach these two hyungs dancing if it was the last thing he would do.

"okay, to dance, the first basic thing is, you have to feel your body"

Yoongi frowned. "you do know that has a double meaning, right?" Namjoon snorted.

"no time for jokes, hyung. This is all business" Jimin seriously said. "okay. Like I said, let's do the initial warm ups. Follow my lead" Jimin began to effortlessly do sit ups, gesturing the other two to get to it.

And in a few minutes, both of them felt ragged to the very core of them And they hadn't even started to dance. Yoongi groaned. He hated any kind of exercise. It was purely a waste of time and energy. Why must he bloody exercise anyway? What did he have to dance in the first place? Why had he agreed to do this in the first place?

Oh right, because a certain beautiful person had asked him. And he'd jump off a cliff for that boy.

Jimin had barely broken a sweat. He smiled an easy smile at the older two. He introduced them yet another damnable exercise.

"You know... Jimin..." Yoongi panted wiping his sweat. "for a person...who gets tired like... all the time...You have really good...resistance..."

"I'll second that" Namjoon grumbled.

"I love dancing. I don't tire easily from doing it" Jimin smiled widely. Yoongi's brain clicked on to a certain assumption about the latter, but he wasn't too sure about it.

"you sound like you like dancing more than me. I don't see you calling it idiotic or bad or stupid" Yoongi complained. Jimin laughed.

"you know I love you more"

Namjoon groaned. "guys please, I'll puke"

"okay, now onto dancing. We'll do some basic steps" Jimin was now all business like. He turned on the music from the speakers, while instructing the other two how to go on about it, how to get the right footing and the hands in the right way. In half and hour, they had miraculously improved from flapping chicken to somewhat better dancers. No where up to Jimin's standard though. That boy could dance like a fucking machine.

To say Yoongi was turned on, was quite a definition.

He moved gracefully, effortlessly and above all, sexily, and all Yoongi could think about was kissing the latter. He almost groaned in relief as Namjoon got a call from G-Dragon as the president of the club, to meet the teacher. When Namjoon left, Yoongi sighed in relief.

"Jimin do you know the amount of pain you put me through?" Yoongi growled, startling the unsuspecting younger, who shrank back in alarm.

"w-what?" Jimin stuttered. "it wasn't that bad"

"you'll say" Yoongi marched up to the younger, who's butt hit the wall of the room. Yoongi placed his hands on either side of Jimin figure and leaned in. "when you weren't the one watching your hot boyfriend dancing right in front of you and touching you all over to alter your wrong movements and most unfairly moving away before you could even kiss him"

Jimin stared in astonishment. Then blushed profusely. He opened his mouth to retort, when Yoongi's lips smashed against his, making him effectively shut up and some how or other, melt right into the kiss.

"okay, these lyrics are gold" Jin decided, reading through the words Namjoon had written on his notebook. "now we need a tune-"

"ooooh, I know!" Jungkook excitedly cut in. "gimme that!" he reached for the book and Jin hastily gave it. Minutes later, his voice breathed into an enchanting little melody, which the other six were already liking.

"and we need to have the notes to play this on an instrument" Hoseok said.

"I could do that one" Yoongi commented. He had listened really well to the lyrics and the melody and strung the words on to a perfect rhythm, just like Chanyeol had instructed. "though I'd need a software to edit it"

"and you'll have to do it quickly too" Taehyung chivvied. "we don't have an awful lot of time."

"so Namjoon and Yoongi work on the beats and the tune" Jin ordered. "Hoseok and Jimin, you two make a choreography. And Jungkook, Taeyhung and I will practice this  and help with the vocal part" The others nodded, all serious.

"and we'll have to start now. As Taehyung said, not much time left" Namjoon added.

"let's do this" Jimin agreed. 

He stated to feel self conscious when the others stared at him in bewilderment. Had he said something wrong? He backed away from the piercing stares.

"what...?" he inquired in fear.

"hyung you..." Jungkook broke off and began to grin.

"I what?" Jimin asked, embarrassedly. "why are you all staring at me? stop it"

"Jimin you're not stuttering" Yoongi claimed in obvious delight. "I knew I 'd noted something different about you today!"

Jimin blinked rapidly. Then paused to think this through. Was he not stuttering? Really? Come to think of it, he hadn't been stuttering that much hasn't he? Om my god, that meant...

"I'm cured..." he whispered in awe, eyes shining in happiness. "I'm finally...cured"

As if someone let out a signal, they call started cheering with frankly, was very childish and undignified. But none them cared either. Jimin ran into Yoongi's arms for a hug he much needed. He couldn't believe it. He really couldn't. He was back to normal. Well, he hadn't been freaking out at the first sight of humans at all this week has he? He was cured. Finally.

And frankly, it was all thanks to Min Yoongi, the person he loved.


I just want to say, THANK YOU.

I cannot believe my shitty book has reached 2.6k reads.

And her's some info: I am not really into angst. I hate to write angst too. Thought have nothing against it.

Just thought I'd mention that. For the future.

Tee Hee.




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