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No, Min Yoongi, fucking stop this.

He shook his head aware that Jimin had been standing outside, slightly shivering. 

"h-h-hy-hyung..." Jimin hated to talk. He should run. He didn't want to come here. He wanted to hide in a cave till he died. His eyes began to moist over and his knees knocked together. He started trembling. 

Yoongi on the other hand, was completely shocked that Jimin did not in fact look like a weird person. Nor did Jimin look mentally upset. He looked... good. Better than good, but that was beside the point.

Then he noticed the tears pooling at the end of the latter's eyes and shook out of his daze. 

"yeah, uhhh... Park Jimin... right?" he asked, harshly as he could. He didn't want this mortal to think he liked him. No, Yoongi wasn't going to play nice. After all, Jimin was one of his mom's methods to make him responsible. He sure as hell wasn't going to be nice

"get inside and stop crying, you big baby" at the angry words, Jimin's tears steadily flowed down. He hoped Yoongi would be someone who would at least be a bit nice to him.

"now, this is my house, so you'll listen to me. clear?"

Jimin nodded, slightly. though his mind was telling him that this time that was going to be spent with Min Yoongi was going to be harsh. he tried to as upbeat as possible. But one look at Yoongi's face told him that being upbeat was the last thing on Jimin's list. 

"Where are your bags?"


"can you at least stop stuttering?" Yoongi groaned, annoyed. 

"s-s-sorry..." Jimin whispered. 

The older trudged outside and retrieved Jimin's bag, which was really heavy. He put it beside Jimin who was wiping his tears, silently. 

"your room is the one at the very end of the top floor. Now go" Yoongi ordered. Jimin waddled through the mess of a living room, huffing along with his heavy bag. He then looked up and his eyes widened.

So many stairs.

How could he climb all those stairs, with his heavy bag? Despair filled his expression as he turned to Yoongi. His eyes pleaded for help. The older stared back, emotionlessly. Jimin's Chin trembled.

Yoongi groaned in defeat. Then walked up to the younger and seized his bag and lugged it up with much difficulty. Finally he reached the top and panted, glaring at the pink haired boy, who smiled sweetly at him.

"t-t-thanks" he stuttered.

"yeah. whatever" Yoongi rolled his eyes. "idiot"

Jimin's face turned into a downcast one.

"h-hyung, you're so b-bad" he muttered loud enough that Yoongi could hear him. He smirked.

"I know"

Jimin looked away. Yoongi smirked wider.

"oh and yeah. get ready to meet the gang"


"yeah. my friends"

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