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Min Yoongi, right in front of him.

Jimin couldn't help but blink thrice to see that this wasn't a hallucination or something of the sort. But no, that blonde hair, those kissable lips, they were very much real. Very much real and very much irresistible. He opened his mouth once, but no words formed, his vocal chords were blocked, and there was a lump in his throat which prevented all sounds threatening to produce.

Yoongi's eyes widened as he took in Jimin's face. The now brown hair, much thinner face and the weariness of his eyes. Why, had Jimin been dieting? But his thoughts of concern wandered to the younger's still plump lips. He wanted those on his own lips, was that so much to ask? He wanted to taste that mouth, was it too much to hope?

Memories overtook his mind as his eyes continued to suck in Yoongi's face and silent tears ran down his face. Before he knew it he was sobbing uncontrollably. 

Yoongi was back. That was all that mattered. His love. His love was back.

But neither of them could make a move. They were both insecure, both unsure of what must happen next but both vey much wanting each other. Yet they had reasons in their minds of which the above scenario wouldn't happen, of why they shouldn't just barge in and let each other free of the pain they were having. Because when both of them thought that the latter must hate each of them, it was hard to get a grasp on what really must happen between them. But what they also didn't know was that they lat a bundle of misunderstandings to get in between them.

It was Jimin, unusually, who broke the frozen moment. It was only a word, only the older's name, but it was enough.

"Yoongi..." he whispered, loudly enough for Yoongi to hear the melodious sound. He had missed that sweet honeyed voice so much that at the sound of it, his heart beat doubled up. There was no doubt of the wanting that filled up the atmosphere, yet the unsureness was a burden.

"you came back..."

Yoongi shook his head rapidly. No, no he couldn't stay. He was going to go, he'd just told himself that he'd leave. He couldn't bear if more bad luck was forced upon Jimin because of him. His survival, as he had mentioned before, ranked up to second only, JImin's was his first priority. And besides, Jimin hated him, and that meant that Yoongi had no chance to get him back.

"I'm sorry"he was apologizing for so many things. For leaving him again. For hurting him. For inflicting such bad luck on him. But there was no stopping this decision.

"n-no hyung..." Jimin's voice was almost incoherent. "please- please don't leave..."

Yoongi frustratedly growled. Was Jimin so blind as to notice the pain Yoongi was going through? "you're making this harder for me" he groaned, pain weaving through his voice, hands clutching his hair, eyes filled with emotion. "at least act like you fucking hate me!"

Jimin froze in utter astonishment and bewilderment. So Jin hyung all along had been right. But JImin had refused to believe it, because he never thought that Yoongi would be so delusional as to believe a outrageous fact like this. Yoongi thought that Jimin himself hated Yoongi. Which made him want to scoff loudly and hit Yoongi for being so completely and utterly dumb. Which was how he got up his courage to get his love back to his life in a much simpler language.

He'd never had an anger like this, a temper that flared like this, so this very much shocked him to his very being too. He was a sweet boy. But where Min Yoongi was concerned, he was unpredictable.

"you psychotic nutcase" He said, his voice dangerously even, like the calm before the storm. "you moronic, idiotic lunatic."

Yoongi automatically stepped backwards as he spotted the danger sign stamped over Jimin's face in an alarming manner. Jimin alternatively took a step forward till he had Yoongi back up to the wall and face the wrath of the younger which at the moment, Yoongi really didn't want to face.

" You silly little dimwit. I. Don't. Hate. You. " he said clearly, looking straight into the older's eyes and emphasizing the words. "Min Yoongi, I love you. A thousand times over, I say that I love you because nothing, not even my past can make me hate you. You're my very life, my soul and I could never, ever, ever hate you. Ever" He was going to accompany another few sentences to his speech but instead found his eyes locked into Yoongi's brown orbs, conveying all he had to say in a matter of nano seconds. 

For a few seconds all was silent as Jimin's temper flared down and he began to feel shocked at his own behavior. But really,  one as ignorant as Yoongi deserved such an outburst.

"Yoongi...?" Jimin's lips slightly trembled as the latter didn't reply, heart beginning to clench. "h-hyung?"

"Jimin you..." Yoongi smiled just a bit ad shook his head in wonder, relieving the younger's fearful heart.

"yes?" Jimin eagerly asked, looking too cute for Yoongi to bear.

"you are one amazing person" Jimin could hear the adoration behind the words.

It was like, without even much of a fight, they could forgive each other in an instant, which was crazy, but it was a thing that love did to you. And love did tend to do weird things to people.

Yoongi wrapped his arms around Jimin's slender waist, a posture which they both missed a lot, and leaned down, keeping eye contact for the whole distance before connecting their lips in one passionate moment which Jimin responded to immediately, moving his hands to lock themselves around Yoongi's neck and sinking right into the older's warm embrace. Until-

"you might just wanna continue that elsewhere, young man"

Yoongi looked up and feigned annoyance while looking at his friends, all grinning stupidly and scowled.

"well, here comes an annoying Min Yoongi, back into our lives" Hoseok sighed, hands on his hips. 

"it was bound to happen" Namjoon scoffed. "this man couldn't stay without Jimin for long"

It was infuriating of how they spoke of him like that, Yoongi huffed. Like he wasn't even in their presence.

"oh shut the fuck up" he remarked sourly.

"yep, he's back" Taehyung concluded while Jungkook burst into laughter and Yoongi couldn't help but smile too.

Home sweet home.

There was no place better than home, they say.

And really, it was too good to be true. 


Ya'll next chapter is a hmmm.... pretty EXCITING chapter and it's a gift for you all on behalf of my K-pop anniversary.

Be sure to comment!



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