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It's D.O's birthday tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!!!!


"Yoongi hyung, I bought that new game that just- WHAT THE ACTUAL HECK? HYUN-?"

Jungkook stopped frozen in his tracks, staring open mouthed at the scene he was staring at.

"now now, Kookie how many time do I have to say to mind your manners. You shouldn't be so loud in public places" Jin chivvied, glaring at the maknae before talking again. "Yoongi, Kookie has bought a- OH MY HOLY SHIT, YOONGI?!"

Yoongi pulled back from Jimin, his face so comically disordered  that Jimin couldn't help but giggle a bit, even though he was absolutely petrified that Yoongi's friends had seen the forehead kiss and that he was going to inevitably have to talk to them because of his new assignment the doctor had given him.

"oh, shit" Yoongi muttered, shoving Jimin inside the house with gentle force. "oh just curse my life"

Jungkook was the first to react, he gasped and ran towards Yoongi and clasped the older's hands, looking positively enthusiastic in disbelieving joy.

"hyung's gone soft! I knew this would happen! hyung is officially soft! And Jimin's the lucky guy!" he yelled doing his weird happy snappy dance that, as usual, involved a lot of arm movements and made him seem like a dying duck in a storm. But there was something off about his expression. Something under that enthusiastic joy he had inherited, only Yoongi couldn't tell what.

"gods, Jungkook, I am not soft. I uhhh... was just reassuring Jimin you see..." he couldn't help it, but his cheeks slightly tinged with a pale pink as the name left his lips.

"Reassuring? yeah right" Jin scoffed "whatever Yoongi, now where is Jimin, I want to meet him properly" he said in a nonchalant expression that made Yoongi want to hide Jimin in the closet till these two morons left his mansion.

"he's inside. Why are you guys here anyway?" Yoongi grumbled leading the others inside.

"well ahem... aside from the new game... Jungkook has a ... slight problem..." Jin faltered and looked in to the maknae's eyes, while Jungkook looked at the floor, his expression carrying frustration and confusion, mostly.

"what kind of problem? Is it really serious?" Yoongi at once asked, concerned, because really, they all cared for the maknae, even if all rude comments were made in his expense.

"well, I think it's serious..." Jungkook muttered. "I don't know, I'm confused. Like a lot"

"let's sit down and talk then" Yoongi suggested, walking into the living room, after closing the front door. All at once he noticed Jimin at the far end of the hall, frozen solid, a look of horror flashing across his face. Yoongi stopped in his tracks and turned to his friends.

"or you know, first help Jimin" Yoongi shrugged, pleadingly.

"ah well of course!" Jin smiled widely, his voice unusually nasally. He took long stride towards the petrified younger and held out hid hands.

"so Park Jimin, I hear you and Yoongi have a thing going going on" Jin wiggled his eyebrows. Yoongi's mouth hung agape in utter terror. Really, what kind of friends did he have? 

"you may want to know," Jin continued, his voice like a saint who just obtained eternal bliss.  "Yoongi can be really annoying sometimes but I can teach you how to handle him. You'll need it, especially if you're going to be his boyfriend

"oh my holy fuck, Jin, NO" Yoongi cursed as he ran to the older and held him in a headlock, making Jin choke and splutter as he tried his level best to get out of Yoongi's arms.

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