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Yoongi took a sip of his cocktail, staring around the bar in amusement. It was nothing like Korea. The bar it self was different. Different in a mature way. More half naked people, more advanced lighting and stage effects, more alcoholic substances to drown any kind of pain away. He sighed as he took out his phone and tapped away at it. Where was Chris? The man had promised to be here at eight sharp and it was half past nine. No doubt that sack of potatoes was making out with a girl somewhere.

Min Yoongi, aged twenty, better known by the synonym Agust D, was a word wide popular music producer. His young age encouraged most companies to trust him with the modern taste of music and his successfulness was also noted. He could make the perfect beat to the required idea and its as amazing. He had only been in the industry for two years, but he was better that most of the others.

His phone ringed and in relief he picked it up.

"hi, Chris-"


oh shit. Jin again.

"what is it this time hyung?" Yoongi grumbled into the device.

"when are you coming back?"

"let's say" Yoongi took another sip of his drink. "almost never"

Jin sighed. "You're being stubborn again"

"no, I'm not"

"stop being selfish and come back"

"how many fucking times do I have to say this, hyung?" Yoongi sighed, tiredly. "I am not coming back"

"don't you miss any of us? Korea? kimchi?" Jin asked, a note of sadness in his voice. "Yoongi come back, please. It's been two years"

"I do miss you" Yoongi swirled his drink around. "but I'm not coming to Korea"

"do you know what people call what you're doing? Running away"

"it's called starting afresh in my book" Yoongi retorted.

Jin went silent. Yoongi waited, not wanting to end the call. He missed his home, his friends and...Jimin, but he shouldn't go home.

"is there anything I can do to make you come?" Jin finally asked.

"no. I'm sorry hyung"

"I'm sorry too" Jin replied. "sorry that I can never see that annoying face of yours again"

"fuck you"

"fuck yourself, Min Yoongi. You're being selfish and stupid"

"I'm being considerate"

"considerate my ass" Jin snapped. "you're being a down right asshole"

"yeah whatever"

"why Yoongi?" Jin couldn't help but feel frustrated. He knew why the previously happy couple had broken up, but still, this was an extreme.

"you know why" Yoongi muttered. "all I'll ever do by coming into Jimin's life is ruin it. So he's better off without me. Besides, he hates me"

"you're goddamn stupid" Jin exclaimed, angrily. "as if Jimin could hate you"

"he can and he does hate me" Annoyed, Yoongi began to drum his fingers on the counter. "hyung, stop this already"

"he doesn't hate you, Yoongi"

"right" Yoongi rolled his eyes. "I'm the bitch who ruined his life"

"but you made fucking amends for it!" Jin cried. "you helped him to recover! You put his life back together!"

"he might not have needed putting back together if it weren't for me" Quietly, Yoongi remarked.

"if it weren't for his disorder you two might never have met again. It's fate, Yoongi"

"it's also fate that broke us apart. Now shut up hyung"

"dammit Yoongi, why must you be hard on yourself?" Jin cussed.

"because I deserve it" Yoongi shortly replied.


"hey, Yoongi!"

Thank heavens for Chris that he came at this moment. Yoongi sighed in relief.

"hyung I gotta go. Talk to you later. Bye" he hung up without a second to lose.

"man, I got you one hell of an awesome contract." Chris widely grinned as he sat on the chair next to Yoongi and ordered a drink. Chris was Yoongi's manager. Fun and a bit of an asshole.

"what is it? And where is it from?" Yoongi asked, his interest spiked up. (yes, he converses in English)

"from your home country!" Chris held his hands out like he had made some amazing discovery. "You'll love it!"  Yoongi's shoulder's slumped heavily.

"I can't" he replied, his tone heavy.

"why not? I mean, it's Korea! home sweet home!" Chris asked puzzled.

"right, I know. But I can't..."

"but it's a contract for you to join those bands, whatsisname, K-pop band" Chris pressed on. "from a new entertainment. You get to make the songs and be an idol, dude, you gotta do it"

Despite his resolution, Yoongi could feel himself hoping deliciously about performing on stage, dancing and singing his ass off.

"I could go..." but it was Korea. Where Jimin lived. And- Gah, Jimin could be living anywhere, not just in one goddamn place that Yoongi would be going ( being Yoongi, he hoped he would meet Jimin when he set foot on Korea). And Seoul was so big. No way would he meet Jimin.

"dude, you gotta go" Chris encouraged. "and the money you get, like oooooh"he whistled. "so damn much"

"but my work here?"

"you can still continue" Chris confirmed. "only the lucky ones would get the honor of Min Yoongi producing on of their songs for 'em"

Yoongi's hopes were high. He began to feel excited.

Not just because he was going to Korea though. But, he firmly told himself, don't get your hopes too high. Jimin hates you, and there's nothing you can do about that.

But then he thought, as if I'll meet Jimin.

But then again, he nodded to himself with a firm, just in case.






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