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Yoongi was literally a masterpiece of a zombie.

His brain wasn't functioning, nor was his heart it seemed. He'd been an empty core of a man for the past six days, walking around like the living dead, flinging books when he felt like it.

He had woken up from an uneasy dozing that particular day, leaving him disoriented. He'd faintly heard something like a paper swishing by his face to the floor, but he had thought that it could wait. He really need to pee.

He was also particularly upset at himself for speaking harshly to Jimin. He wanted to flash a smile at the younger to let him know that Yoongi wasn't really angry at him.

He'd trodden downstairs full of bounce straight into the kitchen.


No reply. He'd looked around. Jimin definitely hadn't been there. It had been gloomy. So he'd searched the entire down floor something like that of alarm ringing through his ears. He'd sensed danger. Almost breaking into a sprint he'd dashed upstairs to the younger's room and flung the door open.


No one. The room looked clean of any belongings, even the bed had been made.

Fear had pumped through his entire system as Yoongi desperately had raided all other room in hope in finding the other. He'd come up empty handed with a heavy heart.

Feeling unbelievable, he'd gone to room, his sharp eyes spotting the white paper on the floor. He picked it up, his eyes widening as he recognized Jimin's hand writing. He read it quickly.

Yoongi had never been the one to shed tears, but on that day he had.

He had lost Jimin.


And the thought made him cry again and again.

He regretted not confessing.

He regretted the harsh words he'd said to Jimin.

He regretted his entire existence.

And now, he just couldn't seem to find his bounce, his liveliness, his cause to live. Jin had come over to stay with him, the other's had also volunteered because they were all so worried and concerned, but Yoongi refused. But Jin being Jin had come over anyway. 

In reality, Jin was worried. Honestly, he had never seen Yoongi so head over heels for a person. Yoongi wasn't that kind of a human being. He wasn't exactly aware of his emotions, he just went with the flow.

Looking at the younger now, he sighed. Yoongi was even more paler, dark rings under his eyes and he had even lost weight. Talk about a miracle. He trudged about like he was lifeless.

Jin, though he had never mentioned it, always knew that Yoongi had a thing for Jimin. He'd been at his most cheerfulness in the days he had got to know Jimin. But Jin had never guessed it was this serious. And he was worried like hell.

"how is he?"

Jin sighed once again. "not too good, Mrs. Min"

Yoongi's parents were out of their minds to be brutally truthful. They knew their son better than anyone. And they also knew that Yoongi's character wasn't a person of that who pined when someone left him. This Jimin had to be someone like a god to have had this effect on Yoongi. His parents couldn't at the moment come, they had too many piled up work and all the calls Mrs. Min took back and forth weren't helping.

"can't he still speak to us?" Hopefully, the lady asked.

"I'm afraid not, Mrs. Min"

Jin took a deep breath. "he looks like not just Jimin but his heart has gone too. It's so...sad. Yoongi's never like this. And this just... breaks me. It makes me sad when I just look at him"

He heard a sigh from the other side of the line.

"Do you think we can find Jimin?" He asked.

"Jimin doesn't have a phone, so it's doubtful. But maybe we could try. The boy couldn't have gone far, right? I mean..."

"but it's been six days. Six whole days"

They both sighed.

A few more casual questions later Mrs. Min hung up saying that she had to complete her work with ultra speed to come back to Korea any time soon.

Jin stood up and walked to Yoongi's room and slightly opened the door a little.

Yoongi had his back turned to him, lying on the messy bed. His shoulders were trembling. He was silently crying and the sight made Jin sadder still. He walked to the younger and sat down on the bed, putting his arm around the shaking figure.

"you should sleep. It's late" he gently said.

Yoongi took a shaky breath, then turned to face Jin's warm eyes. Jin slightly winced as he saw the hollowness in the younger's eyes.

"hyung?" his voice was rough and raw.


"do you think he'll ever come back?" the hope in the words wasn't hard to catch. Jin took a deep breath. Then smiled slightly.

"he will definitely. And he wouldn't want you to be like a zombie when he comes, right? You should take care of yourself Yoongi" He tried to be stern but he couldn't. His smile wavered.

"I couldn't take care of him though" reproachfully, Yoongi muttered.

"you did everything you could"

A comfortable silence, though it was filled with grief, wrapped around them. After a while Yoongi closed his eyes tiredly.

"it hurts, hyung" he whispered. Jin got up pulled a blanket over the younger.

"I know" he said to the sleeping boy. Yoongi's chest rose in an even pattern and it slightly comforted the older. Then softly, so as not to wake Yoongi up, he walked out of the room closing the door behind him.  

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