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Guys I started a new fanfic, an EXO one. Please check it out... its called,  


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"You know what Jiminnie?"

Yoongi slightly cringed at the nickname Dr.Minseok had given Jimin. But it was really no use criticizing it because Yoongi was in no place to be against it. He was sitting beside the pink haired boy, putting his utmost attention towards the conversation.

"w-what?" Jimin replied, on reflex backing down a bit.

This was Jimin's fourth day coming to Dr.Minseok. The before two days had been majorly about Dr.Minseok and Jimin get to know each other. And of course, Jimin starting on meds. This was what Dr.Minseok had been strict about. Never stay off your meds. That was his rule. the doctor made a huge effort to get Jimin familiar to him, He'd also requested Yoongi if he could leave the room for a few minutes so that the doctor could at least get Jimin to be less afraid of him. Nevertheless, Jimin almost tried to claw Yoongi's shirt and begged the older to stay. Dr.Minseok shrugged it off.

"you should change your hair color"

Say what?

Not only was this doctor giving Jimin a nickname, he's ordering Jimin to change his hair color? The color Yoongi was so attracted to, now, because of this Jimin boy. 

He glowered at Dr.Minseok.

"b-but w-why?" Jimin spluttered just as shocked as Yoongi.

"it would be nice to see you with Brown hair, wouldn't it?"

Jimin's mouth turned comically downwards.

"no offense doc, but I think Jimin looks just fine in Pink hair" Yoongi said, Trying to keep the anger out of his voice. The doctor smiled in amusement. He could definitely see that something was going on between Yoongi and Jimin.

"it's doctor's orders, Mr. Min" He simply said, smiling.

"D-doctor... I d-don't wanna c-c-change this co-color" Jimin squeaked in a small voice. If Yoongi was okay with his hair, he was more than okay with keeping his hair this way.

"you have to, because you are going to have to go to the salon"

Jimin's eyes widened. Yoongi took the younger's shaking hand in his before replying.

"I don't think Jimin is ready doc-"

"he is ready. Jimin is more than ready for it Mr. Min" 

"but he'll have a panic attack and-" Yoongi began to protest but Dr.Minseok cut him off. 

"Mr. Min,I know that it's Jimin's time to step out. Go out to the world. He wouldn't be able to attend school otherwise" he said calmly.


Oh gods, Yoongi had completely forgotten about school. Jimin was supposed to go next week, but in this condition, could he actually?

Jimin was horrified too. he didn't want to attend to school. he wasn't ready at all. He looked at the doctor with fearful eyes.

"trust me, Jiminnie, You'll be fine. Yoongi is going to be with you." The doctor suddenly smiled slyly. "And Yoongi would be okay with a different hair color-" Dr.Minseok looked at Yoongi and winked. "-right?"

Jimin looked at Yoongi with hopeful eyes.

"h-hyung w-will c-come with m-me?" He asked, shyly.

Dr.Minseok grinned. He knew that Jimin would do anything for Yoongi and Yoongi wouldn't want to upset Jimin. His plan was already working.

Yoongi groaned inwardly. How could he possibly say 'no' to those puppy dog, ridiculously cute eyes?

"okay, geez, fine." He grumbled. Jimin pumped his arms up and down, almost squealing. Looking at that, Yoongi smiled. Why did Jimin look so damn cute?

"and Jiminnie, make sure to tell me everything, okay?" Dr.Minseok sternly said.

"y-yes doctor!" Jimin smiled at him. 

but Yoongi didn't want that. That smile was for him.

Yoongi scowled at the doctor. Why was Dr.Minseok trying to get so close to Jimin? It was honestly pissing him off. Jimin was his and no one else's.

It seemed like now that Jimin was coming out of the house more often, Yoongi would have to be careful so that no one would snatch him away.

That sounded wrong. Yoongi winced. 

No, he was going to protect Jimin because he was Jimin's friend. That was it. Nothing more.

At least Yoongi hoped that was it. 

But his heart these days seemed to be telling him otherwise.


Okay, guys.

I'm being serious.

Do you guys like how I write this story?





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