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This was not going to be bloody awesome.

"why oh why, god? Why me out of all?" groaning, Yoongi let his hands fall into his hands. "please tell me why?"

Jimin chuckled, though the sound was like he was choking on air. He was undoubtedly panicking, only slightly comforted by the fact that Yoongi was beside him. But Yoongi looked like he needed all the morale boost he could get. He squeezed the older's hand.

"I-it's okay hyung, they're y-your friends...right?" He tried to be reassuring but he himself needed reassurance to the fullest he could get.

The bus rumbled away merrily along the road.

They were finally on their way to the fated music campaign where Yoongi expectantly had waited to go since none of his friends would pop by when he was trying to kiss Jimin and since he was greatly awaiting to be taught music and mainly rapping. He had been full of excitement, packing his bags most enthusiastically.

Just to fucking find out that his friends had uninvitedly followed him to Jeju island.

The fact somehow seemed inevitable to Yoongi. Somehow being alone with Jimin was too good to be true. And he was right.

Jin being the head boy, was made to come to the one month trip because he had to look after the 'unruly' students from 'dirtying' the school's name. And Jin had happily accepted, more than happy to have the chance to see Jimin and Yoongi 'in action' as he put it. And it was not like Yoongi wanted to be rude because after he all, he owed Jin for helping him stay sane when Jimin had left him. He owed the the older with more than a plain 'thanks'.

And as for the other two, Jungkook and Taehyung who were happily joking with some other sophomores and freshman year students, had been able to come because this was a golden opportunity for volunteer students to have a chance to learn music on what Mr. Kang- their head teacher- said to be 'professional basis'. So that was it. The whole of his annoying friends were coming. And Yoongi couldn't do anything about it.

"I don't hate the fact that they're coming..." Yoongi allowed. "it's just that, I wanted the month to be just you and me, since Hoseok and namjoon are already paired off and I was really keeping my hopes up"

"b-but you know that I'm here, it's n-not necessary for it to be j-just us...it'll be m-more fun this way" Jimin sensibly said, his small fingers clutching Yoongi's hand. "you still have me, h-hyung"

"you're ridiculously cute" Yonig chuckled, smiling and ruffling Jimin's hair. "you're right. It's not as if hell broke lose, right?"

"s-see?" Jimin shrugged. "there's always a solution"

The rest of the trip was most entertaining despite Yoongi's attitude. Jin, Hoseok, Namjoon, Taehyung and Jungkook made their way towards the two of them, bringing assorts of junk food and drinks with huge smiles on their faces.

"okay, guys, this is a month away from school, no homework, no timetables, no gross cafeteria food. Are you guys packed ready for this?" Jin authoritatively asked. Really, being the head boy usually prohibited this type of behavior, but then again, this was Seokjin. What could one expect?

"hyung, I want to be free from you" Taehyung whined.

"whatever damn thing you guys want, can you please not wake the teacher up? The old man wants a bit of rest" Yoongi grinned.

After a most hilarious hour of jokes, the talk gradually turned to Jimin, who looked as if he didn't at all want the topic to lead to this.

"so Jimin" Hoseok began, his hands intertwining in hope. "what do you mostly do in your free time? video games you like? hottest movie star you like? Do you dance? And why do you even like this gas bag of a Yoongi?"

Jimin laughed nervously, while Yoongi glowered. Really Hoseok was too straightforward.

"I-I like to ummm....dance mostly...I come u-up with choreographs for s-songs when I have t-time... And I uhhhh....really l-like Call of Duty... and I really d-dont have a favorite movie star..." Jimin shied away slightly, smiling when Hoseok's eyes filled with excitement.

"Call of Duty? Amazing right? You should try Far cry 3 sometimes! It's awesome!" He blabbed like a kid.

"GTA 5 is like, wow, dude you need to try that before anything" Taehyung put in clapping his hands mildly.

"oh I've t-tried that! Have you seen the last gameplay of that rich ass u-uncle?" Jimin animatedly asked.

"oh my god, That was awesome!" Jungkook squealed.

"Did you guys play Batman-" Yoongi was cut off by an overly excited Jimin who was almost jumping off his seat (which of course Yoongi thought as cuteness overload).

"omg, y-yes! Arkham a-asylum?"

"Batman Arkham city?" Namjoon put in, interested.

"oh gods, yes!" Jin replied with much enthusiasm. "Arkham origins?"

"The part where Joker's all insane and creepy?" Hoseok cried. "and Bane!"

"oooh and that killer move-" Taehyung was cut off by Jungkook who pointed outside in a hushed whisper. 

"look at that"

They did, Staring in awe at the orange-ish background in the sky fired up by the setting sun, sending yellow rays in all directions lighting up the sky in beautiful patterns.

"it's been that much time since we left? That much?" Namjoon asked completely baffled. "we must be already there"

"so we are" a girl, Jisoo, replied grinning slightly. "see the boats? and there's the sea too" she pointed towards the slight coastal belt that was in front of them.

"woah" Jin exclaimed.

Soon after wards they were ordered to get down from the bus, which students obliged to with much groaning and muttering curses. They were told to get on the boat- more like a ship, Jimin thought- to go across to the island and according to G-Dragon, they were already late. Hoseok was a prone to sea sickness, and he was ushered into the sick cabin as soon as he got on. The others sat about the deck, feeling the cool wind rushing through their foreheads in a comforting manner, eyes glued to the blue water or the red sunset above them. It took about forty five minutes for the journey to complete and for them to reach Jeju island. With excitement piling up among them, the students all quickly got up, taking their bags and suitcases to their hands.

"I'm really h-here" Jimin mumbled in amazement. This was such an improvement on his part. The fact that he had actually survived on a bus with 30 students. And honestly, he was feeling quite comfortable with Yoongi's friends also. He didn't even feel panicked in the least.

"congrats" Yoongi said, looking at the wonder stricken face of the younger.

"h-how did you know I was t-thinking that?" Jimin stuttered.

"hey, I know you better than anyone" Yoongi smirked. "and also, you're so predictable"

They got down to the island, happiness radiating from very other student. G-Dragon and the other teacher, Mr. Kim, led them through a curvy path filled with breath taking scenery, to where they would be sleeping at, for the entire month. The building looked homely, fenced by trees and it was two storied. 

"okay, girls on the bottom floor, boys on the top floor. There are seven rooms in all, quite big all of them. And me and Mr. Kim have one to ourselves. Divide the rooms between yourselves, whatever" G-Dragon announced. "and don't be bratty"

Mr. Kim cleared his throat. "I'll be giving a adult version of that,

No disobedience is allowed. Am I clear?"


Thank you. Thank you all for the 2.1k reads. I love you all.

I've missed writing honestly, even if it's been only like a week.




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