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Hoseok was extremely fired up with curiosity. The music club he was in had called for a emergency meeting by the teacher in charge. In a way, he was just glad that he could relieve his butt from being squashed on those hard, unmerciful chairs. He chirpily walked down the hallway, meeting up with Yoongi at the music room door.

"what's up?" Yoongi asked, just as curious as Hoseok.

"dude, I'm not some bloody physic" Hoseok replied. "let's find out" he gestured at the door. Without a word, Yoongi shuffled in, followed by Hoseok. The room was packed with all the members of the club, and it was was quite tiring to find a chair to sit down. Namjoon, being the leader of the club, was standing at the front of the room, and next to him was the teacher in charge, Mr. Kwon Ji-yong. Or as the teacher introduced himself, G-dragon. He was young and had a very different personality from that of a usual teacher. He was all in for fun and that made the music club like, the best.

"okay, people" G-dragon cleared his throat. "I'm sure you're all very thankful for me from saving your asses from class." he smirked looking at the students. "Anyways, we've got a big competition coming up. We've got to practice, blah blah, I think you know what I mean. So it's this big thing where we're professionally trained for music what-nots, okay? It's gonna last a month at Jeju island. So on the last few days, there's gonna be this huge competition to choose the best school, and yes, Mr. Kang has told us to get the first place. Any questions?"

Which was unnecessary to ask since the students all usually understood this teacher better than the others.

A girl put her hand up though.

"yes?" the teacher asked.

"ummm... are we trained for singing and playing only?" she asked. Hoseok wracked his brain for her name. Ji soo. He realized.

"ahhh... that's the speciality of this event" G-dragon smiled. "this is going to train some of you for rapping too"

Hoseok and Yoongi grinned at each other. There were literal pros at that department. (author's note: u know what I mean right? *wink wink*)

Namjoon was slightly smiling too.

"so we've gotta practice our hinds off for this, am I clear?" G-dragon asked.

The students cheered in agreement.

"and we can start from tomorrow. The trip's gonna be next month and that's like two weeks away. So you'll at least have to try to not sing like cows, right? So tomorrow after school, you'll stay and no buts. We are gonna win this thing!"

More cheers erupted.

The meeting ended on a high note and the room clear out in a few minutes. Yoongi and Hoseok waited for Namjoon as he tidied around, to leave. The teacher was already absorbed in his phone and took no notice of the three of them. After a few seconds, Namjoon joined with the two of them.

"a month without school." Hoseok said in a dazed manner. "thats like, heaven"

"I know right" Yoongi sighed in contentment. He couldn't believe it. A month without homework. That was like, heaven as Hoseok phrased it. The three of them walked down the hall in comfortable silence, until namjoon looked up hesitantly.

"hey, hyung?" Namjoon asked Yoongi, shoving his hands in his pockets. "what about Jimin?"

Yoongi's eyes widened in realization as he stopped in his tracks. 

"oh shit"

Yoongi had totally forgotten about Jimin. How would the younger stay a month at home without Yoongi? It was not like Jimin could casually pop down to the grocery store when he was hungry. And there wasn't anyone else to take care of him. In reality, Jimin wouldn't let anyone take care of him.  He'd have a massive panic attack at the mention of someone taking care of him.

So this was it then? 

Yoongi couldn't go on the tour, could he?

But strangely, he wasn't feeling resentment or anger. It was like a known fact that he would have to take care of Jimin and he didn't at all mind it. And as usual, it was insanely puzzling.

"I can't go" Yoongi said, with finality. "I mean, I can't leave him alone, right?"

Hoseok looked at him pityingly. "we'll find out a way, dude. We always do. I mean, you have to come. Professional training on rapping? That almost never happens. We could leave Jimin at Kookie's or Taehyung's house." 

Yoongi shook his head. "that won't happen"

"we'll ask the others for a solution" Namjoon suggested. "you're not gonna stay, hyung. You have to come"

Yoongi sighed at the attempts." I just don't see that happening, guys"

"why do you care so much about Jimin anyway?" Hoseok huffed angrily. "you aren't suppose to take care of him every second, anyway"

Yoongi ran a hand through his hair, frustrated. That was a question he himself wanted answers for.

"I don't know man, I just don't know" he groaned.

In a distance, a bell rang. The three stopped for a second.

"lunch" Namjoon sighed in relief. "come on, I'm starving"

So they went, their enthusiasm a bit dulled. Jimin's name hung around them like a dark cloud they couldn't avoid.

Jin was waiting for them at the far end of the cafeteria, sitting on a table for six. After piling up food in their trays, Hoseok, Yoongi and Namjoon trudged tot he table.

"you guys don't look good" Jin observed. "did something happen?"

"well, Yoongi says he can't come on a month long professional music camp" Namjoon complained. Yoongi sighed in exasperation.

"why?" Jin asked, surprised. Yoongi would never miss a golden opportunity like that. It wasn't like him at all.

"Jimin" Hoseok said, like that explained it all. Actually, it did, to be honest.

"ahhh"Jin execlaimed in realization. "I suppose there's nothing to be done then"

So much for being optimistic. Yoongi's shoulders slumped.

"hi hyungs!" a cheery voice sounded behind them. Jin smiled at the happy couple.

"hi, maknae." he greeted and offered them, meaning Taehyung and Jungkook, seats beside him. "how are you guys?"

"Happy" Taehyung rolled his eyes, like it was obvious. It was so like Jin to state the obvious. "gods, Jin hyung can I be anything but happy at the moment?" 

Jin pouted sulkily. "I was just being a good hyung" he grumbled.

"better luck next time hyung!" Jungkook giggled, his fingers intertwined with Taehyung. The two were inseparable these days, truth to be told and none of them minded it. Namjoon and Hoseok laughed while Taehyung shot a smile at Jungkook.

Jin huffed angrily. He was hating the fact that 'better luck next time hyung' was going to be his life motto till he died. These youngsters. He thought sulkily.

Yoongi had said nothing through out the whole time. He was watching the Taekook couple with growing jealousy, not moving his limbs at all.

It only took exactly three seconds for him to realize the reason.

He wanted Jimin and him to be just like that too.


Okay guys... this was a crappy chapter. but...





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