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Jimin shivered pulling his jacket closer to him. The day had been warm, but the night was chilly. He was on a metal hard park bench and even his butt seemed to be frozen now. He had nowhere to go and no one had inquired so as to why he was shivering on a bench. No one seemed to care about him in the least. The thought made him more empty within.

Separating from Yoongi may have seemed like good idea at the time, but he was not bearing it well now. All he could think about was the older and whenever he closed his eyes, he could only see the gummy smile of Yoongi's. He hoped that Yoongi was happier now.

He closed his eyes, pulling his knees to his chest and taking a deep breath. What should he do now? He lived in Busan and this was Seoul. He had to catch a train and no way was that going to happen. Maybe he'd buy a flat. Pay for it what he had and take a job. Live normally. But all of those required personal strength and at the moment he had none.

"Park Jimin?"

Jimin's eyes popped open in surprise. He knew that voice. He knew that person. 

"Mr. Minseok?" Jimin breathed in relief. He thought this was Yoongi. Thank goodness it wasn't.

"oh gods, what are you doing here Jimin?" Minseok inquired sitting down beside him, putting his arm around Jimin giving him warmth that was most needed. Jimin snuggled closer.

"I-I left..." he replied.

"you left Yoongi?" disapprovingly, the older tut tutted. "you know that you shouldn't."

"b-but I'm finally g-getting okay" Jimin said defensively.

"yes you are, and that's exactly why you still need supervision"

"n-no I don't. I left h-hyung. I'm n-not g-going back"

Minseok sighed. He had been out to a gathering of his friends to a hotel one of his friends owned. He had been humming to himself coming to the park for a stroll and definitely was not expecting something like this. He thought Yoongi wouldn't like ever let go of this Jimin boy. Well, he'd caught the wrong end of the stick.

"did you two have a row?" he asked tenderly.



"I was m-making h-him unhappy..."

Minseok furrowed his eyebrows. "how so?"

Jimin looked away. "he's b-being forced t-to n-not do things he w-wants to do...t-there's this music goes on f-for a month...and..."

"it's not your fault, Jimin"

"I-it is..."

Minseok looked at the frail boy. He definitely couldn't leave him here. 

"come on" he caught hold of Jimin wrist and Jimin's bag in his other hand.

"w-where are w-we g-going?"

"to my house. You'll freeze to death here"

Amid Jimin's protests, Minseok somehow managed to drag the smaller boy to his house. It wasn't fancy like Yoongi's, but of course not everyone could be rich like that brat.

"do you want to have a wash? or dinner?"

Jimin looked wary, but muttered a "wash"

Much later, when Minseok had tucked Jimin into his bed, he sat down on the sofa, letting out a long, tired breath. He should probably call Yoongi, but it was obvious that Jimin didn't want Yoongi to know where he was. So he'd better respect Jimin's wish because after all, he was Minseok's patient. He sipped the coffee he had prepared and he sunk into a thoughtful mood. Jimin didn't probably know that Yoongi actually like him did he? Otherwise he wouldn't be like this. Yoongi wasn't staying home because he was obliged to by his mother, it was because he wanted to take care of the younger and of course Jimin wasn't aware of that. Minseok ruffled his hair and rested his head on the sofa. Before he could think anything further, he fell into a deep sleep.

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