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"no mom, I'm completely doing fine"

Yoongi sighed for what seemed the thousandth time and clutched the phone in exasperation. "you didn't need to come now. I'm not even at home, mom. What? no- wait- don't give it to dad- oh... hi dad"

Yoongi inwardly groaned, his hands clutched at the railing of the second floor balcony of the dorm he was at.

"no dad. I'm fine. Completely sane. Healthy and alive. Eating and all"

"so why are you telling us to not come and visit you?" Mr. Min demanded.

"I'm on a music campaign, dad."

"what?" His dad inquired, suspiciously.  "for how long, Yoongi?"

 "For a month. Okay, I'm sorry for not saying, it sort of slipped my mind" Yoongi bit his lip, nervously. Okay, he was so going to get it now. How was he so stupid so as not to even tell his parents that he was going to a month long trip? Gah, he was an idiot.

"slipped your mind? Slipped your mind? Young man, do you what could possibly have been the result of your carelessness?" his father raged. Young man. Here comes the dad-rant, Yoongi thought wearily. "we came to your house to find you not there, and then what? huh? You mother would've gotten an heart attack. I would be so anxious with worry and we'd call the cops and make unnecessary fuss because this had simply slipped your mind? Do you what your carelessness would result in, young man?"

"a lot of unnecessary fuss" monotonously Yoongi muttered into the phone. "but I was going to call. Like today, really dad. I mean, I was, until mom yelled down the phone"

"your mother was yelling for a valid reason young man. You have to here by enlighten us with where you will be at, okay? You know we're worried about you being alone in Korea. You could always come to Japan Yoongi, why don't you?" 

"okay okay. Geez, dad I'll update you every five seconds." Yoongi rolled his eyes. "as for coming to Japan, I can't. I've found a really good life here dad. So no, I won't come. And yes, for your information dad, it's mainly because of Jimin. I don't want to leave him, because..." he couldn't believe that he was going to say this to his father, A prim and proper business man. But he had to someday, and today was preferable since his dad couldn't kill him. "dad, I love him. And yes, I really do. I don't care if people will turn their back on me, but dad, he's everything that I want. And umm....that does include that I am in fact..." he gulped. "gay. There. I've said it."

He heard a deep sigh on the other side of the line. Yoongi braced himself. 

"well, I'm hardly surprised son. After the way you acted after this Jimin boy left has changed my view about you"

"to a bad side?" Yoongi hesitantly asked. He didn't want that to happen. He loved his parents, no matter how much grumbling he did.

"on the contrary kid, I got to a know a caring side of you. And I'm very pleased about it. So I have no objections. And let's just say that you mom feels the same."

Yoongi smiled so widely, he felt his cheeks would split. "thanks dad."

"your mother's bugging me. Hold on"

"so you're dating Jimin?" His mom was acting like an overly excited teenage girl now. "fill me up in all the detail, and Min Yoongi, as the woman who gave birth to you, I have every right to hear it"

What a mom.

"mom, look, I love you and all, but my love life is mine. But if you want to know, I confessed, Jimin confessed and we kissed" He smiled at the memory.

"okay okay, keep secrets from your mom will you?" sulkily his mom said.

"I gotta go, good night mom. Sleep tight and like seriously don't ask personal questions" Yoongi fondly said.

"Good night, love"

His ear ached and he muttered under his breath a string of curses. Really, talking to his parents made him use up his emergency energy. He had better get inside, since he was outside without the teachers knowing. He stretched his hands and then turned, only to face Jimin looking at him with a awed and adoring expression.

"did you by any chance hear any of that?" Yoongi asked, embarrassed.

Jimin nodded. "y-you really are a softy... aren't you?"

Yoongi cringed. Wow, just the thing he wanted Jimin to find out.

"n-no, I like it, really" Jimin smiled, his hands holding Yoongi's in earnest. "y-you're staying in Korea because o-of me?"

"well, if you want me to leave, I can go" Playfully, Yoongi replied, shifting his hands so Jimin's was on top of his. Jimin pouted and lightly hit Yoongi's chest.

"d-don't ever do that" he muttered looking away, his tone serious. "o-okay?"

"I have no intention of leaving you, Park Jimin" Yoongi put his hand under Jimin's chin and making the latter stare into Yoongi's eyes. "now, or in future"

"I love you" That sentence was so far the only one he could say without stuttering.

"as do I. You know that right?"

Teasingly, Jimin said, "do I-" but a pair of soft lips pressed against his, making him effectively stop talking. He pulled his hands, still connected with Yoongi's, to lock them around the older's neck pulling himself closer as he could dare to. Lips moving in silent whispers, the half- moon hanging in the sky above them, millions of stars dotting the space, they impossibly seemed to fall into each other's depths deeply. Yoongi ran his tongue over Jimin's plump lower lip, asking for entrance, which Jimin easily granted seconds later causing soft moans to come from him .

Sure, Jimin knew nothing about this, how kissing was supposed to work, but in Yoongi's grasp everything seemed so right. Like nothing could go wrong. He just melted into the older's ways and he couldn't stop even if he wanted to.

Yoongi pulled away, breathing heavily and looking Jimin's darks orbs as Jimin stared back, half dazed. Then Yoongi chuckled.

"we should get inside" he smiled that gummy smile.

"h-huh? oh...y-yeah..." Jimin wasn't yet processing what was happening, he was a bit too dizzy for that kind of concentration. Yoongi, smiling, tugged at Jimin hands lightly and pulled him into the building with him.

Jimin scowled. "i-idiot..." he muttered loud enough for Yoongi to hear, who grinned widely.

"you hot idiot" Yoongi replied, leaving Jimin blushing profusely.


Oh god, I have this BIG problem. HUGE PROBLEM. I'm falling for Jimin. Which is bad. I had a hard time enough when I fell for Byun Baekhyun. Let me tell you, it's not pretty. And for the fact Jimin's taken. By Yoongi.




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