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Jimin was busy.

He ran around the kitchen, his hands working on making breakfast. Yes, he did know how to cook. It was just one of the activities he had done to occupy his boring, dull life back then when he was cooped up indoors.

The day was gloomy, and pelting with rain. Though it was already half past nine, you couldn't tell it. It was dark and grey. And Jimin was making a dish exactly suited for such days.

Stirring at the contents in the pot, he continued to steadily work, putting every ounce of his concentration to get the final result exactly perfect.


Jimin jumped at the voice. He turned slightly to face a messy haired, disoriented Yoongi. Clearly he wasn't a morning person and Jimin smiled. Yoongi was so cute with hair all over the place and eyes half closed.


"you're not trying to set the house on fire are you?" Yoongi grumbled, rubbing his eyes and sitting down on a chair at the dining table before letting out a yawn. Jimin pouted.

"o-of course not" he replied sulkily.

Yoongi smiled amused, his elbows on the table. "you know I'm kidding right?"

"y-you are?" Jimin's eyes widened, his cheeks turning to a delicate pink. Yoongi chuckled as he ran a hand through his hair.

"what are you making?" he asked curiously.

"Sundubu Jjigae"  Jimin answered shyly, not sure of what Yoongi would think.

"wow" At once Yoongi got up and walked towards the younger and peered at the pot, licking his lips in anticipation. "you, Park Jimin, is like, the best boyfriend ever" He exclaimed happily rubbing his hands together. Jimin's hand slipped at the words.

For those who don't know what that dish is (author's note: I googled Korean food. LOL) Sundubu Jjigae is a dish made to sit especially rainy and cold days.

Yoongi, who, just as Jimin predicted, wasn't a morning person and dreary days made that worse, was looking forward to this steamy dish very much.

"here y-you go" Jimin worked on placing the plates before Yoongi whose eyes sparkled. It hadn't been so long since he had got to enjoy Korean food since he'd been living off Chinese food and pizza and his mouth watered at the sight in front of him.

Jimin sat down and watched as Yoongi tucked in making happy exclamations through out the entire time which inwardly made Jimin even more happier. Yoongi looked up at Jimin halfway and gave him a wide smile before resuming to wipe out the entire pile of food in front of him.

When Yoongi finished, he rest his back against the chair and patted his stomach. "that was bloody amazing, Jimin"


Jimin fiddled with his thumbs as he opened his mouth again. ""h-hey hyung?"


"I want t-to enroll at... s-school..." 

Yoongi's eyes widened in shock. "you're joking aren't you?"

"n-no..." Jimin looked down at the table.

"you can't" Yoongi said in a flat voice.

Jimin's head turned upwards in disbelief. "I-I thought you W-wanted m-me to go school"

"it's risky, Jimin. And you're not up to it still"

"o-of course I can! I w-went o-out for a whole w-week a-away from h-here!" Jimin regretted the last sentence as he saw Yoongi's eyes cloud over with darkness.

"I'm aware of it" thought he tried to erase it, a trace of bitterness was heard in Yoongi's voice.

"h-hyung, I'm going t-to recover. A-and for that, I h-have to push m-my self" Jimin said in a confident voice. This was entirely true. He really wanted to be normal.

"but are you sure that you can handle the swarms of annoying people?" Yoongi asked, still disapproving and concerned. "I mean, there are a lot of students"

"I-I guess..."

"I don't like it though" Yoongi sighed. "maybe you could stay another month..." he trailed off when Jimin shook his head. Yoongi frowned. He didn't want Jimin to feel like he had to recover because other people will feel burdened. He had to heal in his own time. But the boy was so insistent on going to school and Yoongi didn't like it one bit.

A plan gradually began to form its self in Yoongi's mind.

"Hey Jimin, You have a beautiful singing voice" He slowly said, not noticing the blush spreading on the latter's cheeks.

"h-how do you k-know?" shyly, Jimin asked.

"I heard you singing" Yoongi began to smile. "maybe Jimin, you can join the music campaign with me"

Jimin backed away in alarm. "s-sing in front o-of all t-those people?" he squeaked. "n-no!"

"oh come on Jiminnie, for me? Please?" Yoongi turned the full force of his puppy eyes on the younger who against his will, was wanting to agree to Yoongi. And, he unconsciously noted that it was the first time Yoongi had called him Jiminnie.


"a whole moth with you and me and just like, twenty others! Jimin please?" Yoongi was pleading with both hands put together, his voice filled with hopefulness and eagerness. It was too cute to bear. "and I know that G-dragon won't say no to a good vocalist"

Jimin wanted to say no, but a whole moth with Yoongi was sounding good. Better than good but that was beside the point. Maybe this trip wouldn't hurt. Maybe it would be a fresh start for him too. Maybe he should go. He looked at a hopeful Yoongi and squared his shoulders.

"o-okay then..." he reluctantly agreed but smiled when Yoongi whooped in joy and then surprised Jimin with a quick peck on the lips, leaving the latter flustered and blushing.

"this is going to bloody amazing!" Yoongi exclaimed.


Okay, guys, tell me, has any of you choked to death watching Jungkook, Jimin and V in chokers and body rolling?

Let me tell you: It's not funny. I got a severe case of coughing due to them.



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