Chapter 5

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I woke up and for some weird reason I was happy. Today is the end of 2017. This year was the best yet the worst year of my life. I once had a hot, charming, smart, loyal, gentleman, cute boyfriend, my relationship with Marisa grew a lot, believe it or not I got closer with my parents, my school grades were awesome, I got a brand new car, I got skinnier and I mean this was my year until last week when my parents told me that we were moving, that I had to break up with Vernon and I never thought that a year could be ruined in a matter of days. Anyway, Marisa and I decided to throw a New year's eve party because we absolutely love parties. This was going to be huge and lots of celebrities were going to be attending because most of them worked for our companies besides, in January, the 4 of us are going to make our debut so it is better that we start to know each person better. We decided to make the party at my house, and no I didn't asked nor invited Jungkook to the party, he doesn't know a thing about this party so he can go fuck some girl in a motel I really don't care, besides there are going to come many handsome gorgeous celebrities and the least thing I want right now is to worry about a guy that disrespects me and that it is rude af towards me. Maris and I hired a DJ, a dance floor, food, etc. It is going to be a lit party. Some people came to decorate and when they left, I went to take a shower and wait for Marisa because I invited her to get ready at my house. She arrived to my home at 4:30 because she went with Jimin to a restaurant. What the hell?! Don't get me wrong, if she is happy, I am happy but the truth is that I am afraid that she will replace me with him and that as we don't know that guy, he may turn out as Jungkook.
"Come in I am here"
"Where?!" We were both screaming
"Oh there you are" I went out of the room for her to see me
We had plenty of time before the guests show up so we started to watch a movie; my favorite movie: The notebook... I've seen that movie a thousand times.
"Y/n, that's Jimin's favorite movie"
"Yes, he loves it"
"Ha cool, good for him"
Marisa looked at me with a confused face but I just ignored it.
After the movie was done, we did our makeup, our hair and chose our outfits. This was my look:

And this was Marisa's look:

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And this was Marisa's look:

"Girllll we look hot" Marisa said as she saw herself in the mirror"I know right?" Checking myself out in the mirror as well"Well let's get this started" Marisa took my arm and dragged me to where the party was going to be held

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"Girllll we look hot" Marisa said as she saw herself in the mirror
"I know right?" Checking myself out in the mirror as well
"Well let's get this started" Marisa took my arm and dragged me to where the party was going to be held.
Half hour later, people started to show up. Sunmi, Momo, Mina, Tzuyu, Seulgi, G-Dragon, Taemin, Xiumin, Minho, Woozi, Rosé, Lisa, Gong Yoo, Hye-Kyo, Ji-won, etc. We were having a really awesome time. Two hours later Jimin arrived. I was so furious at Marisa that I left the two of them alone... I went to get a drink because I wasn't going to let anything or anybody ruin my night. I was drinking when a handsome as fuck man appeared
"Hi there" he said
"Hello" I said coldly
"My name is Kai, nice to meet you"
"My name is y/n, nice to meet you too"
"Oh my god are you Jungkook's fiancé?"
"Yes, yes I am. Why?"
"Oh so I am sorry I won't bother you anymore" And Kai was about to leave but I grabbed his wrist
"No hold on please don't go"
"But you are engaged with Jungkook"
"So? I don't love him and he doesn't love me"
He stared at me for a minute or so but at the end, he took a seat next to me.
"So, I heard you are going to make your debut as an actress this January"
"Yes! I am actually pretty excited about it, I actually love acting!"
"Yes and I am pretty good at it" and I winked at him
We talked for 3 straight hours, Kai introduced me to A LOT of people and all of them were super nice, I also got to know him and viceversa when suddenly fireworks started to burst. The count down had started 10...9...8...
"Y/n, may I" and he started to get closer to my face
BITCH DO IT!! DO IT!!! IT IS NEW YEAR'S AND YOU NEED A GOOD LUCK KISS. Literally mi mind was screaming so hard I thought Kai was going to be able to listen.
And I felt a hard touch but not in my lips, in my arms as someone dragged me
"What the hell are you doing y/n?"
"Marisa!!! Fuck you girl. I was about to kiss that hot as hell guy"
"You are engaged remember?"
"Yes, about that, I will do whatever it takes so this marriage doesn't take place. Remember that Jungkook hates me as much as I hate him?"
"Of course, I am not stupid"
"Marisa just think about it, we can make an awesome plan and escape from this marriage"
"Y/n, I am not sure if I want that... I mean Jimin is the best person ever like the best and I really don't mind marrying him. I suppose you and all and if you can't take Jungkook anymore someday, you are more than welcome to my house, we actually reserved a room just for you"
"Is everybody loosing their minds?! Where is the Marisa that loved Jackson, the Marisa that was determined to do something with her life and live happily?"
"I am happy y/n, I really am, and I think it is time for you to listen to your parents for once and not try to fight against this, you will only get tired and bitter"
"Oh I get it hahaha I almost fell, good one Marisa"
"I am not joking y/n I am telling you this as a friend"
I shook my head
"Have you told Jackson? You said you were going to tell him today"
"Yes, yes I did we actually talked in the morning and he is happy for me, he actually got another girlfriend. But seriously y/n, I am sorry things turned out this way, but I guess it was our fate"
I couldn't listen to anything else so I just ran to my room and I really don't know how because my body was frozen, paralyzed, how can my best friend agrees to this?
Marisa's POV
I saw y/n was about to kiss a dude so I ran and prevented that from happening. I know that she is going to get mad probably but here is the thing, she is engaged and not because Jungkook is a son of a bitch, man whore, and a fucking playboy, means that y/n can kiss other men. That is why friends are for and I consider y/n as my sister and I will try to help her and support her as much as I can, because I know that if I was in her place, she would do the same exact thing for me.
But we actually got into a discussion. I told her that I was happy with Jimin and I know that he probably dislikes him a little because I know her, she is like a sister to me and I know that probably she is jealous at Jimin because she feels he will take her place but that will never happen. It really aches my heart to see her like this, she deserves the best guy in this whole entire world and it makes me so sad to even think that she has to live with a guy that doesn't even respects her.
I know it is just a phase because she is a truly intelligent person and I have faith that she'll solve things out.
Jimin and I already had our first kiss and it was amazing I felt butterflies and like the world stopped for a moment. His lips were so soft and the way he grabbed my neck drove me crazy. I think we can be a great couple but I am not sure if I will tell this to y/n right now, I think it is not the right time.
Y/n's POV
When I got into my room, I felt everything just so heavy. What an awful way to start 2018. OMG! Vernon! I haven't texted him. I grabbed my phone and I've never been so nervous in my whole life the moment I unlocked my phone, and went to the part I had my conversations with Vernon. But before I texted him, I saw all our messages and without even noticing, I started to cry (tears of joy) because I truly loved him, and we spent so much amazing time together but it was finally time for me to text him.

 But before I texted him, I saw all our messages and without even noticing, I started to cry (tears of joy) because I truly loved him, and we spent so much amazing time together but it was finally time for me to text him

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I actually haven't had any time to reply because the least thing I thought of, was my phone and I charged it a little so I could text him. I have to tell him now about Jungkook.

 I have to tell him now about Jungkook

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That was the reaction I expected honestly

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That was the reaction I expected honestly.
I opened the message and replied by telling him that it was no joke, that I didn't wanted this and that I am forced into this. He understood it and told me that everything was going to be okay. I also told him that Jungkook treated me awful and he is so angry at him I couldn't imagine his reaction when he knew this. He has always been a super protective, caring and loving boyfriend. Why did things had to go this way? After my conversation with Vernon, I fell asleep.

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