Chapter 8

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I decided to go get some food with Tae and distract myself a little. I really deserve better you know? I am not going to stay home all the time and this is good I mean at least I can get to know Tae a little better.
"Oh hi Tae how are you?"
"Fine thank you and thanks for accepting my invitation"
"No problem"
We talked and it turns out we both love clothes, we love dogs, music, fashion, etc. He is a very nice guy and very good looking.
"It is a shame you are engaged y/n"
I almost chocked on my water
"Excuse me?"
"Oh I am sorry I didn't mean to..."
"No it's fine. We actually don't even lov... stand each other"
"Oh I see. Well I don't want to get you upset so let's not talk about it anymore alright?"
"Sure thank you for understanding"
We talked for hours and we were having such a nice time when my phone started ringing

 Well I don't want to get you upset so let's not talk about it anymore alright?""Sure thank you for understanding"We talked for hours and we were having such a nice time when my phone started ringing

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Oh my god what does he want now? I picked up excusing myself with Tae and he started to yell
"Where are you? Why aren't you at home? You were supposed to do my laundry. It is already 5:40 and you are nowhere to be seen"
"I am with a friend"
"With a friend? With which friend?"
"An actor from my movie; Tae-hyung"
"Well say goodbye to your little friend and return to the mansion immediately"
Before I could say anything he hung. Actually Tae was hearing everything because I didn't leave the table.
"I am so sorry Tae"
"No m. I am sorry it must be awful to live with someone like him"
"Tell me about it"
"Well you are gorgeous, super smart and an amazing person. If you need someone to talk to someday, hit me up"
"Thank you so much Tae, I really appreciate it"
He gave me the warmest hug and I left.
I got into the mansion and Jungkook slammed me against the wall pressing my wrists against the wall and above my head. He got really close to my face that I could feel his hot breathing.
"Get away from me you jerk"
He didn't said anything but instead pressed my wrists harder. My wrists are still purple from the morning issue so it hurts as hell to even try to lift them up, now imagine grabbing them with a very strong force. Pain took control over my body and I collapsed. Next thing I knew, I was in a hospital bed wearing an oxygen mask, needles connected to my arm, and I could barely open my eyes and breath.
"Y/n! Y/n what happened?"
"Y/n are you okay?"
"How do feel sweetie?"
I was getting very overwhelmed with so many questions but I was so weak I couldn't talk. I was so desperate.
"She fell from a 2 meter ladder and she putted her hands to save her head. When I saw her the first thing I did was took her yo the hospital"
"Oh Jungkookie you are the best son in law. You are the son in law every mother in law wishes to have and every bride wishes to have as their husband"
Bullshit!!! Lies, lies and more lies. Why isn't he telling the truth? Fuck him! I've been nothing but nice to him and he sends me to the hospital? This isn't fair. As I said I am not able to speak so I dozed off again.
"Y/n wake up" I opened my eyes and saw Jungkook trying to wake me up. His eyes were red and he had a tired face. I was so upset, angry, sad and mad at him that I didn't even looked at him
"How do you feel?"
I now felt so much better and now I was able to speak
"How do I feel? Okay imagine you are a girl that is engaged to a jerk, that had to forcefully break up with her one true love, moved to another totally different and far away country to have a forced marriage with that jerk. You try to be the best for that person. You make him food, respect him and doesn't disturb him. And he doesn't says thank you but instead he hurts you emotionally and physically till the point that he sends you to the hospital. That's how I feel. I feel humiliated, disrespected, that my life is over, that I will never be able to be happy or feel loved ever again. I feel like complete shit"
"Get the fuck out of here. You still had the guts to lie to my parents and you still didn't gave a shit about me... so now leave"
Tears started to run across Jungkook's face but he left.
"Y/n remember what I say? Don't stress too much it is bad for your health"
"I know doc. I promise I will stress no more"
"You are lucky to have a partner that cares so much about you"
"What do you mean?"
"Well Jungkook stayed here all night really worried about you. He didn't slept in case you woke up. You are a very lucky girl y/n. Right now you have to rely on him and I think he should rely on you, after all that's what relationships stand for"
Of course he was worried. If I died and the police found out it was his fault, he would've gone to prison.
"Sure, thank you doctor"
My dad was the one that offered to take me home. I didn't wanted to tell him about what Jungkook did because I knew he wouldn't believe me.
"Y/n, I called the director and told him what had happened and he told me to tell you not to worry that he'll see you tomorrow"
"Okay dad" I got out of the car and got into the house.
The house was filled with beautiful flowers. It smelled amazing. There were bunches of cute letters and I felt really good. I felt... important. As I was reading some of the notes and smelling the flowers, I felt a hand around my waist and I got startled. It was Jungkook.
"What now? You want to grab my waist hard so you send me again to the hospital? Are you aware that I could've lost both hands? Why did you lied to my mom about it you coward?" I released from his grip, took my keys and drove all the way to Jimin and Marisa's.
I knocked and Jimin opened. He gave me a huge hug and I instinctively returned the hug.
"Is Marisa around?"
"She went to but some groceries but she'll be here soon. Please come on in"
I hesitated but I finally decided to go in
"Why are you here" Jimin asked
"Oh so you didn't knew about what happened?"
"What happened?"
"I was at the hospital"
"Oh my god! Are you okay? Is everything okay?"
"Well now I am"
"What happened?"
Should I tell him the truth?
"Did Jungkook harmed you? Because I swear that if he laid a hand over you..."
"Uhm... uhmmm... no I-I actually fell and my hands softened the fall. Jungkook found me and I passed out. He took me to the hospital and they took good care of me. I am here to tell Marisa about it"
"Oh okay! I am glad that you and Jungkook are starting to get along. He is a very noble and kind guy once he gets to know you and you earn his trust. I know it is difficult but it is really amazing when he opens up to people"
"Aha" I said as a sarcastic-I don't care tone. Though I thought bingo!!! If I want to get along with him, I'll just have to talk to him and earn his trust. OH MY GOD yessss!!!
"Jimin you are a genius!" I kissed his cheek and got excited. This could help me from being in a living hell.
"Thank you? Oh look here's Marisa!"
I was still a little mad at Marisa but come on, she is practically my sister. We stared at each other for about 2 minutes before she dropped the groceries to the floor and hugged the hell out of me. I winced in pain.
"What's wrong?"
"She was in the hospital" Jimin explained everything to Marisa but Marisa didn't buy it
"He did something to you right y/n?" She gently grabbed my arm as she whispered
I sighed "yes"
"I knew it! I'll kill him!!! Y/n go get the shovel!"
"Woah Marisa calm down! I think I can figure this out, Jimin opened my eyes"
"Are you sure? Because I am in the mood to go kill that son of a bitch"
"I am sure... But keep the shovel near you in case it is needed" I winked at her and we both started to laugh real hard
"Oh y/n I missed you"
"I missed you to sis"
"By the way how was the set?"
"Amazing! They are recreating my process of how I got engaged and everything. Everyone is sooo nice and there are some hot actors over there. And it is a shame you were doing your photoshoot for the cover, Jimin's singing and dancing is breathtaking. But by the way how did the photoshoot went?"
"It went sublime. Three brands hired me to open their runways in South Korea's fashion week"
"Oh my god I am so happy for you"
"I am so happy for you too... Y/n do you want to stay over tonight?"
"Today I can't. I know that you can borrow me clothes and everything but I need clean underwear and my personal stuff, but I'll stay tomorrow"
"Seems like a deal"
I hugged Marisa and then I screamed at Jimin because he had went upstairs
"Bye bro in law"
"Bye sis in law"
We both screamed at each other and the three of us laughed
"I am serious about the shovel Marisa, keep it close"
We couldn't stop laughing. I got into my car and headed home. This is my opportunity to figure things out.
I got into the house and what I saw, took my breath away.

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