Chapter 17

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"No you can't"
"Come on just one dance"
"I said no!!! Fuck off"
"Y/n!!!! Why are you talking like this to your fiancé?"
"What's wrong mom? Understand, I DON'T LOVE HIM! I would've loved something like "y/n you were amazing on your movie honey or y/n that dress is stunning on you or you look incredible" but no fuck no! You came to scold me for how I talked to this jerk"
"No dad that's enough! I already had enough! I am sick of this bullshit" My mom slapped me
"How do you dare to speak to your father like that?!"
Anger took control over my body and when I get really angry and I can't do anything about it, I cry because it is the only way that I can let it go. I left the place. I called a cab and it picked
"Y/n!!!! Y/n!!! Wait"
"STOP! Don't follow me. Stop pretending you care because everyone knows you don't. Fuck off!" I got into the cab
"Y/n please let's talk..."
I closed the door and the chauffeur drove off
"Where to miss?"
"To xxxx address please"
"Of course"
I kept thinking about everything; Vernon, Jungkook, my wedding, Marisa's wedding, my parents, the fact that I am in South Korea, Yeri, EVERYTHING!!!!!
"We are here miss" The driver snatched me from my thoughts
"Oh yes thank you" I paid him and went to knock on the house.
"Oh Y/n please come in! What are you doing here?"
I went to Wonho's house. Wonho and I became very close. We met when I threw the first party at my house he is super super sweet and I told him everything and he fully supports me.
"May I spend the night here?"
"Are you kidding? Of course! What happened hon?"
"Well I am done with Jungkook and my parents! I can't handle them any longer. I hate my life"
"I mean I did saw you with Vernon at the party"
"Wait so you did go to the party?"
"Yes but I had to leave early. I have a performance tomorrow"
"Oh okay well sorry I didn't saw you"
"Come on don't worry"
"Thank you for letting me stay here. You were the first person I thought of"
"No problem. You can stay for as long as you want you are always welcome!"
"Thank you Wonho you are the best. I will leave tomorrow because I have a new band to take care of and their debut is in a few days"
"In a few days? Hahahahaha you are joking right?"
"No why?"
"Because it takes years of practice and learning to become an idol"
"I know dummy!! They are already trained haha don't worry"
"Oh alright then. You can sleep in the guests room it is besides my bedroom so if you need something just tell me"
"Thanks! Actually do you have any hoodies or a large T-shirt and shorts so I can wear as a pajama? Oh also do you have makeup remover?"
"Yes ma'am follow me" He lent me a onesie intead...

"I know this is a onesie but it is more comfortable

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"I know this is a onesie but it is more comfortable. I wore for a concert but it is very clean haha"
"Thanks" I grabbed the makeup remover, the onesie and left
"Good night Wonho!"
"Sweet dreams princess hope you get to rest"
I smiled and went to my room. I took a LONG, relaxing shower and slept.

Next morning

*yawn* Oh god I had to wake up early in the morning (11:30) I got downstairs to eat some breakfast. I started to make my very famous matcha bowls for me and Wonho
"Morning princess" Wonho said in a husky voice
"Morning" I said as I smiled to him
"What are you making?"
"Matcha bowls, you'll love them. Hey btw didn't you had practice and that's why you left the party early?"
"Uhm... uh... well I will tell you the truth. I LOVE TO SLEEP! I was very sleepy I a sorry but I needed to rest"
"Hahahahahaha it's okay don't worry I love to sleep to. Now sit down and let's eat"
We finished our breakfast and I went upstairs to change my clothes.
"Bye Wonho thank you so much!"
"You leaving already?" He said while making a pouty face
"Yes. I have to go to the company. Do you want to hang out tomorrow?"
"Of course"
"Okay then! Goodbye I am running late I was supposed to be there by 8:00 a.m"
"Bye! Please take care and if that Jungkook guy does anything that may hurt you, you call me and I will give hin a lesson. See you tomorrow!"
I called a taxi and asked him to take me home.

20 minutes later

"We arrived miss"
I ran to my bathroom, took a quick shower and put on this outfit:

"We arrived miss" "Thanks"I ran to my bathroom, took a quick shower and put on this outfit:

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It was the first thing I saw and I didn't had anytime for makeup nor for doing my hair. I grabbed my car keys and left to the company.

(One eternity later)

*panting* I opened the door (actually more of I slammed the door)
"Hi I am here"
Suddenly Jungkook ran towards me and hugged me really really tight
"What the fuck! Let go"
"Where the hell were you? We were so worried we even called the police"
"The police? Why? What happened?" Vernon asked
"Oh nothing"
"Nothing? You'll se Vernon I am sick and tired of all this bullshit. It is just too much for me to handle. I got mad and went to Wonho's house"
"Wonho?!" Vernon and Jungkook spoke at the same time and they gave each other a death glare
"Yes. He is a really good friend and he is super trust worthy. He is a cutie pie I really enjoy his company"
"Why didn't you call me?"
"I am sorry Vernon I didn't thought about. Wonho was the first one to pop in my head"
"But how dare you?!"
"Don't scold me okay? Remember that I am the one that is suffering? That I am the one that gets to marry this imbecile? That I am the one that will not be able to be with you even though you are the love of my life?"
"That's true baby come on gimme a hug"
I started to sob
"Vernon, I don't think we can keep being together"
"What are you saying?"
"I am breaking up with you. Look Vernon you are the love of my life, you came all the way to Seoul to see me, you are the best man out there and any girl will be lucky to have you. The thing is that I don't want to bother you with all of this. You deserve so much more and I need to fix this mess but I need to fix this all by myself"
Vernon started to cry and hugged me
"Y/n don't do it please! I need you! I can't live without you"
"Vernon please I am trying to do this because it will be the best thing for both parties. Believe it wasn't a decision I wanted to make. We will still work together and we can hang out as friends"
We both started to cry really hard and I left the room. Everybody was shocked. Suddenly I felt someone hugging me.

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