Chapter 31

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Time passed by and today is June 12 today was supposed to be our two month wedding anniversary. I told my dad that I wanted to pospone the wedding so the wedding is taking place in January the 2nd. I haven't seen Jungkook this whole time and to be honest, I've been happier and I've been enjoying a lot my pregnancy. Vernon and Wonho are the only people that know about my baby and I plan on keeping it that way at least until the baby is born.

Today I am 5 months pregnant and I didn't want to know whether the baby was a boy or a girl because I will love that little person no matter what but Vernon and Wonho convinced me to find out. Wonho already knows and he wanted to surprise me and Vernon with a little gender reveal party.

Wonho planned out everything in the backyard

"Y/n, Vernon, come on out"

We went downstairs and Wonho was recording. I was very nervous and Vernon held my hand and kissed my knuckles.

"Everything is going to be fine" he said and he smiled
"Thank you" I smiled as well

I took a deep breath and took Vernon's hand. It's very sad to think that this could've been us, our baby, our moment but everything happens for a reason And I know that this baby will bring so much joy to my life. We were in the backyard and suddenly Vernon kneels down, he rubs my tummy and kisses it.

"No matter what, I'm going to take very good care of you" Vernon whispered and I couldn't hold back my tears.

"Okay, Y/n we three are wearing white outfits, the reason why is because there will be a lot of paint when the gender is revealed and the photos will look bomb, pink is for girl and blue is for boy. So in the count of three we will know if you are having a girl or a boy"

I was very very excited

"One... Two... THREE"

"You're having a boy! Congratulations"

I was beyond happy and I was about to hug Vernon when

"What the fuck is all this?"
"Hi bitch"
"Don't you dare to talk to her like that" Vernon said with a firm and scary tone while he put me behind him to protect me
"Who the hell do you think you are Vernon? Remember who's your boss?"
"I don't give a fuck if you are or you aren't my boss and as long as I can remember, Y/n owns the company as well"
"Someone explain to me what's happening! RIGHT NOW!"
"Jungkookie, I think she's either too fat or pregnant... I would say she is fat though"

My heart started to beat in a very very fast pace.

"Y/n, are you pregnant?!"
"I-I uh-"
"Watch your tone Jeon!" Wonho said while closing his fist
"I am" I said almost whispering
"I SAID I AM!" My face turned red and tears were threatening to fall but they stopped because Jungkook knocked Vernon down
"Wonho let's take him to the hospital!"

We arrived to the hospital and a Plastic surgeon had to check on Vernon. He needed surgery ASAP. He got out of the O.R and we were waiting for him to wake up

"Yes, I am here, don't worry, everything is going to be fine"
"I know" he said and he smiled

I grabbed his hand and started to caress it

"I miss this y/n, I miss us"
"I miss us too"
"So, let's get back together, be mine once again"
"Vernon, as much as I'd love to, you know that right now I can't"
"You are right, I am so dumb for asking"
"No you are not. But right now is just not the perfect timing"
"I understand"

Vernon had to spend the night and I stayed with him, besides, I had my checkout so...

The next day around 8:00 at night, we went back home but something was strange. Jungkook was there with Yeri and he was fucking her real hard. My heart ached, I haven't seen him in 4 months, I am carrying his child and he doesn't even have the decency of having sex in a bedroom. The worst thing was seeing his face, seeing how much he was enjoying it, bragging his new toy. I told Vernon that he could stay until he recovered fully and he agreed. He saw what Jungkook and Yeri were doing and as I froze, he took my hand and dragged me to my room. He didn't say anything we just laid in bed and cuddled, he let me cry and it was everything I needed and everything I could ask for right now and just like that, we fell asleep.

I woke up at 3:00 in the morning to go grab a glass of water. I was drinking it when suddenly a hand grabbed my hair and dragged me to the floor, the person started to kick my belly several times and cut me with the glass. I was losing so much blood that I wasn't conscious.

I the again was with HIM, in the same white dress

"Y/n? What are you doing here?"
"I don't know sir but please take me back, I need to be there for my baby"
"Are you sure you can handle it?"
"I am"
"Very well then"
"Thank you"

And just like that I woke up in the hospital by Vernon by my side...

And Jungkook was there as well

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