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[Hollow] {A Ruki Story} Chapter 1: 間違いないですか?(Are You Sure?)

The sun peaked through my window, asking me to wake up. To be completely honest, I wished this day never had to come. It was only last week that we had to leave our comfortable life in the huge city of Tokyo, to go live in a small town all The way down by the ocean in Kanagawa prefecture. My dad had found work here so my younger brother Shinji and I moved with my dad to this small depressing town. I was born and raised in Tokyo, I have never lived anywhere else in my live. Adjusting to something so small and different was going to be anything but easy. I'm trying my best to be optimistic, but I'm failing to find a rainbow within all these clouds. I awoke to fix my hair in it's usual down style and put on my new school uniform. I see my brother stagger out of his room with his usual bed head and messy hair.

"Morning Shinji." I say not breaking eye contact with myself in the mirror.

"Morning Moka." He grumbles back.

Once I finish making my face look presentable with my minimal make up, I walk out to the kitchen and scavenge around for something to eat. I look and see a note on the table meaning that my dad must have already left for work. That's all seems to do anymore. This job is even more time consuming than his previous job in the city.

"Looks like we're walking to school." I say to Shinji who is wearing his uniform as well.

"Fine by me." he says.

Shinji was a first year high school student while I was a second year. Once we gather all our things, we start walking in the direction of the school. Shinji having his headphones on, can't hear anything besides his extremely loud music. It's not long before I hear a car coming in this direction. I look back only to find a black car speeding towards us. I pull Shinji out of the way, and we watch the car full of boys drive in the direction of our school. Their music blaring out of the car speakers was enough to make all those who lived close by peak out of their homes to check the commotion. Two of the boys I could notice have light blonde colored hair. One even had a lip ring. They defiantly didn't look like the type of students I'd expect to see all the way out here in the middle of nowhere. I could also notice not only boys but girls in the car as well. I'm assuming girls friends. The car was driving off into the distance when I saw a head poke out of the window and look back at us. One of the blonde boys smirked and yelled back to us,

"Watch where your going assholes!"

What the heck was going on? I felt my face heat up in frustration as I desperately wanted to throw an insult back, but by the time I could think of one, the boys were long gone.

"Geez, and I thought that only city people were rude..." I scoff. Shinji just shakes his head and we continue on our way walking.

Once we finally arrive at school Shinji follows me to the office were we pick up our schedules and locker numbers.

"See you after school Shinji." I say. He responds with a wave good bye and off he goes. I, in the meantime, head off to find my locker.

"Number 235." I say to myself. "Here it is."

When open it and begin dumping all of my stuff in my locker, I hear someone come up beside me and open the locker next to me. I grab what I need for class and shut my lock to see that my locker neighbor is none other than one of the boys I saw this morning, one of the blonde boys. I found it odd that he was wearing something to hide his nose. I walked away from him thinking it was best to just keep my distance from him.

"Akira! Come on!" I hear.

I glance over to see what is going on. It had seemed that everyone stopped what they were doing to look at these boys walking down the hall. All the girls stare and whisper amongst themselves and I hear my conversations about how cool and bad those boys are. It was one of the other boys that was in the car earlier as well.

"Let's go." The one with the long brown hair says.

The bell rings and I head to my first class. I arrive there a little late from trying to find my room. When I get there, there I only one seat open and it's one next to the blonde haired boy that made the rude comment from earlier. He was staring out the window with a far distant gaze in his eyes. Something that seems uncharacteristic of someone of his appearance.

"Class, we have a new student joining us today. Ito Moka." I hated introductions. I always feel completely stupid and that everyone is taking this opportunity to judge me. I reluctantly stand up when she said my name.

"Nice to meet you everyone, I'm Ito Moka, please treat me nicely."

I quickly bow and sit down to get the attention off of me. I think everyone already knew who I was, because I was shot dirty looks from all the girls in the room. For most of the class, I just doodled on a piece of paper in my note book. I felt someone starting at me as if their eyes were going to burn a hole through me. I glance in the direction of the blonde boy to see him staring now into my eyes. I quickly go back to my paper pretending it was a mistake. I wanted nothing to do with a problem child like him. He already made it apparently that he didn't like me from earlier. Plus, the idea is to stay out of trouble in a new school. The day mostly went by fast. Nothing interesting went on during the rest of my classes. When the bell finally sounds to free us, I grab my things and head to my locker. Once my stuff is away, I still couldn't figure out how to get out of this place. It is a lot more complicated then my other school. I walk by a room when I hear crying. I peak into the room and see a girl. She's standing in front of the rude blonde boy drying her tears with a handkerchief. She yells out something I couldn't understand and runs out of the room still clearly sobbing.

"Damn Takanori, How many girls are you going to date for a week then throw them aside?" The long brown haired boy says.

"What I do with my love life is none of your fucking business Kouyou." He says. His voice was so cold and unfeeling.

"How long are you going to stand there and gock at us girl?" The boy with the lip ring says. I took me a minute until I realized that they were all staring at me. I felt myself grow really small and scared. My mouth was frozen along with my legs.

The long brown haired and the boy with the lip ring come over, pull me in by my arms, and shut the door.

"Don't you know its impolite to eves drop?" The long brown haired boy says. I was still petrified by what was happening. I couldn't even respond.

"I guess you could say we are in charge around here." The boy with the lip ring says. The one they called Akira earlier comes up and pins me agents the wall with my arms above my head. I let out a little shreek as my back smashes agains the cold wall.

"Are you scared?" He says. I could feel myself shaking at this point. I wished I could summon just even a tiny bit of strength to move my body and get away.

"Stop it Akira, be nice to the new girl. She hasn't even had a chance to get to know us." The long brown haired boy says. The one they called Takanori pushes Akira out of the way and stares into my eyes once again. He grabs my chin and pulls it up. I remember a smirk sneaking across his face before he kissed me. My mind went completely blank. This did not just happen. I couldn't believe what was happening. After what seemed like an eternity, I finally was able to break his grip and run out of the room as fast as I possibly could.

I just ran. I ran until my legs started pulsing. I ran until I reach my front door and slammed it shut behind me. I finally catch my breath and touch my lips. Why would he just kiss me out of nowhere like that? There's literally no logical explanation to any of this. I quickly ran to my room closing the door behind me. I hurried my face in my pillow and tried to collect my thoughts, but I couldn't get what just happened out of my head. And the worst part of all is that I will have to go back tomorrow and face him again. I never thought that my first day of school would ever end up like this.

Next Chapter: あなたはルキと呼ばれていますか?

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