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Hollow Chapter: 8 思い出 (Memories)

I called my father and he quickly met me at the hospital.

"Dad do you think he's gonna be ok he looked like he was in pretty rough shape?" I say.

"I... I don't know. It's hard to say. I sure hope so though. You know your brother, he's pretty tough." He says.

Nothing made sense. How'd Shinji get involved in this? He's not the type the type to commit a robbery.

"Mr. Ito?" The doctor says.

"Yes?" My dad says. They go over and talk for a minute and then my dad comes back to me and says,

"He was in pretty rough shape, took a pretty deep stab in the abdomen. Has some internal bleeding, but the good news it he's gonna pull through and be ok."

"Thank goodness." I say.

Dad goes into see Shinji, and I wait outside a little longer I'm still just in complete shock.

"Is he ok?" I hear from behind me, I recognize the voice anywhere. Ruki. What the heck is he doing here?

"Yeah he's gonna be fine." I say coldly.

"Why are you mad at me? What the hell did I do to you? It's not like I was involved." he says with a frown.

"Look Ruki, if you can't tell, I'm really not in the mood to do this today." I say stoping and crossing my arms.

"Fine. Forgive me for caring." he says walking out. I don't have time for him. I turn around and go to find my brothers room.

+ RUKI +

"Seriously why the fuck is she so pissed The other day she was acting all worried and following me around. Now I try to be nice, and she's all cold." I grumble.

"I think someone is jealous~!" Aoi says with a smile.

"Why now She's still pretty adamant that she can't stand me." I say.

"Well yeah. Your were "hanging around" with other girls the other day weren't you?" He adds.

"Yeah? So? This isn't anything new." I say.

"Yup she's jealous. You got her right where you want her Ruki. I must say, I had my doubts, but this is why you reign supreme." He says.

"What on earth are you talking about?" I say.

"Come on Ruki, she obviously cares about you, so now she's more or less yours. You connect the rest of the dots." He says.

"I have a hard time believing that but whatever you say Aoi." I say.

"Your gonna miss your chance if you don't act soon, especially when she's vulnerable now." He says.

"I suppose you're right about one thing." I say.

"Of course I'm right, now go claim your prize already." He says motioning me to go.

I let out a sigh and head out on my way. I headed back to my house and quietly walked through the house so as not to disturb my parents. No matter how much Moka interests me, I'm not going to take advantage of her in this state. I mean her brother was just seriously injured in an accident. I may be cold sometimes, but I'm not heartless.

That morning, I get early to get ready. I'm almost out the door when I hear a voice calling my name,

"Takanori, Where have you been all night."

"I slowly turn around to see my father with that same look of disappointment on his face.

"You know you could at least tell us where the hell you go once and awhile. But no, your just content on being worthless forever." He says sighing.His attitude is what gets on my nerves the most.

"Like you ever cared where I went anyways. I was just out with some friends nothing that concerns you." I say.

When I reach for the door knob, he grabs my shoulders and spins me around so I'm facing him.

"Why won't you just get your act together!" he says punching me in the face. The force knocks me into the door. I wince in pain for a moment then quickly jump up and run out the door. I can already feel it bruising. I just had to get to the ally. I get there almost out of breath.

"Ruki... your eye." Reita mutters.

"You can thank the old man for that one." I say.

"You ok?" Kai asks.

"I'm fine, my dad just happened to be up when I left. My mistake." I say.

"Whatever you say. Forget about him. You got bigger fish to fry." Uruha says smirking.

"Yeah your right lets go." I say pulling out a cigarette and popping it in my mouth as we head for the school.

When we arrive the usual girls in the school were swooning over us as usual, but I had no interest in them today. I had my eyes on only one girl. I come up behind her and say,

"How you doing today, baby?" I say smirking.

"I should have known you wouldn't back down." She says turning around.

"What do you think about coming out with me tonight?" I say.

"What makes you think I'd go out with a guy like you? You must have brain damage." she says.

"Because, your in need of some TLC." I say.

"Oh really?" She says sarcastically.

"Yeah. I say" Smirking again.

= MOKA =

Damn that smirk of his. I know he will just blackmail me into it if I tell him no. Is there any point in even trying to put of a fight?

"I expect you to act like a gentleman." I say as I walk away.

"Wait, is that a yes?" he says following me.

"Take a hint Ruki, It's not like I can say no. Now take my advice before I change my mind." I say walking off.

"Sure then." He says before leaving.

And on that note I walk to class, dreading what I just agreed to.

+ RUKI +

Did she actually just agree to a date with me? I mean I wasn't going to force her this time if she said no, but I'll take it. Just wait. I' can act like a gentleman, but you be prepared no one can resist my charm. You've already proven that. Now that you may be jealous, I've got you in the palm of my hand.

Next Chapter: 愛欲

How Hollow Can Someone Be?

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