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Hollow Chapter 4: 騎士とお嬢様 (Knight and Queen)

+ RUKI +

I'm awoken by my alarm. Even though I hate that thing is my only way to get me out of the house in time before my parents wake up. I get my stuff together and walk out the door before I hear they have a chance to wake up and see me. I meet Uruha and Reita at our usual spot to head to school.

"So what are you going to do to her again exactly? I suppose the usual methods won't work on this one." Uruha says.

"Nah, quite the opposite, I have to start with the usual stuff then work my way from there. I like a challenge." I say.

"Whatever you say." Reita says.

= MOKA =

I sigh as I walk through the gates of "hell." Once again. Nothing new or anything. Everyone still stares and makes dirty looks at me. I sat down in first period as always. Then walks in Ruki, only this time he doesn't head straight for his seat. All of a sudden, he's right up in my face with a sucker in his mouth. I could smell the cherry on his lips. He was that close.

"Hey... Moka right?" He says.

I'm so confused what is he trying to pull? He's been quiet for all this time, but today he finally seems back to his old bold self.

"You wanna try?" he says holding out his sucker with that same stupid smirk on his face.

"No thanks." I say with a frown.

What the hell is happening right now. Is he for real? He sits on top of my desk and says,

"Why are you so different from the others?"

"What do you mean? That I have my legs closed unlike your usual targets?." I say with disgust.

"Reguardless of how willing you are, most girls one way or another always fall MADLY in love with me!" He says dramatically swooning and laughing to himself.

I don't respond, but I feel my face go red from irritation. This man is more irritating than an itch you can't scratch.

The bell rings and he goes to his seat and begins his process of staring out the window. A complete 180.

Later, about half way though the day, I'm getting my stuff from my locker when Reita comes up with Aoi and Kai and says,

"Look there is a dance tomorrow evening and Ruki would be "very much obliged" if you would be his date for the evening."

"Then why doesn't he grow a pair and ask me himself? You must be stupid to think I'd ever agree to that." I say focusing on my things.

"He thought you'd say that." Reita says.

"So unless you want the whole school to hate you more than they already do I suggest you come or Ruki can end your school existence with one nasty rumor." Aoi says.

"In conclusion, just come to the fucking dance." Reita says.

As much as I wanted to argue scream and yell, I knew they were telling the truth. He really could end my life with one rumor. Although I didn't like it, I had no choice but to go I was always reminded that things can indeed get worse.

I spent a long time just looking at myself in the mirror. I wore the only dress I had which like anything else was subpar. I finally muster up enough courage to leave the house. Once I get my stuff, I go to the place where I am supposed to meet Ruki. It was a dark ally. Yep, I'm gonna die. As if I wasn't already fearing for my life. I look around until I hear a voice that makes me jump.

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