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Hollow chapter: 15 メリクリスマス (Merry Christmas)

I continue walking along with Ruki and the other couple.

"Where are we going if I might ask?" I say to start some conversation.

"Out to dinner." Uruha replies. Ruki was being awkwardly quiet. It's not like him not to talk. He just had his hands in his pockets and his eyes more or less blank. The wind was really cold today. I felt a shiver and he must have seen me too.

"Here." Was all he said. He draped his jacket around my shoulders and went back to his expressionless state. Ok he's really creeping me out now. This isn't like him.

When we arrived at the restaurant, the waiter took our orders and we sat there. I'm still not sure why Lish planed this. It's nothing but awkward so far.

"So Ruki, Moka still looks pretty cold." Uruha says.

"Shut it..." Ruki warns.

"Why don't you "warm her up?"" He smirks.

"Fuck you Uruha." Ruki snarls.

"Sorry that spot is taken." He replies.

They brought the food out soon and we all more or less ate in silence. We left the restaurant and Uruha and Lish gave us some bull shit excuse about having to leave. So it was just Ruki and me. We walked for awhile before I finally had to say something to break this terrible chain.

"Ruki are you ok? You have been acting really weird tonight." I say.

"It's nothing. We're almost there." He says.

"Almost where?" I look ahead and see a small gazebo covered perfectly by snow like out of a movie. It was simply beautiful. We go under it and I look around outside. It was snowing lightly and the moon light shining off the snow completes the scene like out of a movie.

"Moka?" Ruki says.

"Yes?" I say looking back at him.

"...Do you really hate me?" He asks.

I pause for a moment.

"No. what makes you say that?" I say.

"Well..." He starts.

"Ok, sometimes it may seem like that but your really a nice guy, underneath the tough rebellious exterior." I chuckle.

"Well, Uruha told me that you couldn't stand me." He says almost sadly.

"That was then Ruki...Why is this so important? We're on good terms now." I say.

"No reason..." he says. His head turning away.


Why the hell is this so hard? Maybe the guys are right...

"So, were not friends?" I ask.

"No we are." She says.

"Are we just different?" I ask.

"Well, we are but it's nice being different. If we both liked the same things it'd be too boring." The same answer I would have given. My chest fells weird. I've never felt this way before.

"Moka, Lish told me about the guy you dated before you came here." I say.

"What about that asshole?" She glares.

"Nothing I wanted to know if you won't date anyone because of him." I ask honestly.

"Nah, that's not the reason. I just haven't met anyone yet." She says.

There was a silence.

"Moka there's something we need to talk about." I say after a moment.


Ok he's really freaking me out now. All these strange questions. What is he getting at?

"There's something I have to tell you." He says.

"W-what?" I say.

He closed his eyes took a deep breath then came closer to me.

"I like you a lot Moka. Will you be my girlfriend?" he says.

I don't think he's ever done anything like this before, because his face was bright red and he looked really nervous. I was so lost in thought I didn't even notice the little blue pearl necklace he was holding out to me. it's my favorite... color...

"Takanori..." I say, not realized I used his full name.

"I promise I'll stop seeing other girls, being so... me but will you?" he's looks so scared. Like I might hit him or something. Maybe Lish I right. Maybe I'm so in love with him that I don't even notice it. Is that was I'm so curious and can't seem to get his beautiful blue eyes out of my head? He's been through so much. I guess I knew my decision all along.

"Takanori?" he looks up a little. I take his chin in my hands and kiss him. I feel his surprise, but then he relaxes and returns my kiss.

"I will." Was my simple response.

His eyes seemed almost overjoyed.

"Are you crying?" I ask. He wipes his eyes real quick.

"Fuck no!" He yells. I had to laugh.

"Takanori don't think you have to change. I like you just the way you are." I say with a smile.

"T-thanks Moka." He says looking embarrassed.

I hugged him. Who knew that I would fall in love with the person who at one time I couldn't stand.

"Should we put your necklace on?" He asks.

"Yeah." I say. I lift my hair up and he fastens the necklace around me.

"It's beautiful." I say holding it in my hand. Ruki holds my body close to his.

"Moka I love you." He says smiling. I think this is the first time I've actually seen him give me a genuine smile.

"I- ...I love you too." I respond.

"Let me walk you home." I nod. He puts his arms around me and holds me close as we begin to walk home. I put my hand on his chest. He was so warm compared to the freezing air outside. When we reach my house, he holds my hands.

"look, I know it's Christmas tomorrow, but if your not up to anything..." He starts.

"Please Taka, you forget that my dad works all the time. Including Christmas." I say.

Man am I moving too fast? I went from calling him his real name to a nickname already.

"Ok so I'll see you sometime tomorrow, but it already feels like forever." He says.

"Ok, but it won't be too long." I say.

"Moka! One more thing." He stops.

"Yeah?" I ask.

"I can't tell you how much better you made my Christmas infact this is the best one ever. I don't think I've ever had anyone care for me as much as you do." He says.

I came up and hugged him real tight again.

"No kidding mine too!" We exchange one more long kiss before parting.

"Good bye Taka." I say.

"Good night baby." He says.

I guess I'll let that one slide. I walk inside the house and sigh.

"Moka Moka Moka..." I hear a voice say. I look up and see Shinji standing there with his arms crossed.

"I thought he wasn't your boyfriend, but that kiss looked pretty convincing to me." He says trying to hold back his laughter.

"Well things have changed Shinjij." I say blushing.

"Oh I saw. Everything." He says.

"We weren't doing anything bad!" I yell.

"Sure sure. Not Yet." He says.

"Shinji!" I yell chasing after him.

Well I guess it was a pretty fun Christmas after all. I can say with confidence that he's special...

End of Chapter:

Next Chapter: 恋人

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