17: 1:00AM

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Hollow Chapter: 17 1 AM

Saturday finally. School is going to be the end of me… Today Lish and me went on a mall adventure since nothing else was going on.



“There was something I was thinking of.”

“What would that be?”

“Well the other day, Ruki and me were talking and he was wondering what was going to happen after school. He said he wants to drop out and start a band. Not that I’m appose, but I just don’t want to leave him…”

“Ohhhh. Well Moka, I guess what it comes down to is what you want to do with your life you know?”


“Don’t just think it’s the end, ok?”

“I know…”

I just felt like I needed to tell someone. I don’t want us to split up, because I know if he caries on with his dream… I’ll be left behind…


The rest of the guys and me sat around Reita’s room.

“So it’s agreed then?”


My head sank. I inhaled my cigarette trying to cheer myself up, but to no avail.

“Everything ok Ruki?”


“What bothering you?”


“What about her?”

“… It’s nothing….”

“Why don’t we go walk around?” Aoi says.

“Yeah.” Kai agrees.

He head out around our usual spot. We all spot and just hang around until we head our separate ways. I hear steps come up behind me.


Sunday morning. Pretty boring for the most part. That is until I got a call from who I thought was Lish.

“Hey Lish.”

“Moka? It’s Uruha.”

“Oh hey.”

“Have you seen Ruki? Like last night or today?”

“No I haven’t why?”

“Because he didn’t come home with any of us last night and he won’t answer his phone.”

“That’s… odd.”

“Do you think he’s ok?”

“I sure hope so…”

now I was really worried. Ruki not around is not normal at all.


This isn’t fair… locked in this room. All alone. Moka’s probably worried sick. I’m gonna get out of here somehow…


I wake up in the middle of the night. The clock reads 1 AM. I just keep getting this eerie feeling that Ruki’s is in serious trouble. I really hope he’s ok. I just can’t think of what would have happened to him… Ruki where could you be? I really hope you show up at school tomorrow. Grant me some peace of mind… please…

The next day I get to school I see the guys and I come up to them.

“Have you seen him?”

They just shake there heads. I feel my eyes start to get wet.”

“I’m sure he’ll show up soon Moka.” Lish says trying to comfort me.

“I hope you right.”

“We’ll find him soon.” Akuma says.

“Thanks guys.”

I guess I forgot what it feels like to have friends. It feels nice to have people who care about you… I walk to my first class. It’s just awkward without Ruki sitting next to me. I thought about going home, but stayed incase Ruki showed up. Damn it where could you possibly be?


am I dead? No. I wouldn’t be in this much pain if I was dead. It made me sick to my stomach to see my arm almost bent backwards. I felt many other cuts on my body. I could still see blood on the floor. No doubt mine. Moka… I love you…

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