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Hollow: Chapter 7 痛み (Pain)

= MOKA =

Ruki was acting really strange for the next couple of days. Stranger than usual. Ever since I saw him that day, he hasn't been his usual playboy self. I can't get it off my mind. I don't know why he is acting so different all of a sudden.

The bell rings signaling school is over already. I see Ruki walk out of the school with his gang. Then they walk off somewhere. I decided to follow them to try and ease my curiosity. I have to know what's up.

They stop in an ally and pull out a box of cigarettes and all begin to smoke. I hide behind the corner observing them to see if I can get any hint of what the busies on Ruki are all about. Uruha did once mention that his parents weren't to keen on him, but they really wouldn't hit their son would they? They didn't really do anything other than that. All they did was talk about their girl stories and Ruki didn't talk at all which is confusing seeing as he usually always has something to say. He just sat there and quietly smoked his cigarette.

The next thing they did was just walk around town. Literally till about 8PM then they went their separate ways. I followed him till he came to a house. I assumed it was his. I didn't understand it looked completely normal from the outside when I picture a troubled kid, the first thing I that comes to mind is a troubled looking house. Then again I guess appearances are always their face value. I walk just a little closer to try to see the inside of his house when I step on a branch and it snaps in half. He looks back at me and seems more than unimpressed.

"Oh hey Ruki didn't expect to see you here! I was just on my way home now if you'll excuse me... bye." I say trying to remain cool and walk away.

"Moka, you don't live anywhere near here." He says.

"I decided to take the long way!" I say waving. And speed off. Surprisingly he dropped it and let me go.

The next day, I tried to avoid him a little because I was afraid he would ask me "What the hell are you doing at my house?" But I decided to follow him around again after school. They had the exact same routine as the day before. Again, I follow Ruki to that same house.

+ RUKI +

Ok, I'm sure she's following me now. I don't buy the "long way" bullshit. She lives in the complete opposite direction. What does she want?

"So, are you going to tell me why the fuck your following me?" I spit out.

"Ah- was it that obvious?" She says.

"What do you want?" I say. I really wasn't in the mood to deal with her right now.

"Nothing really. I-" I cut her off and I turn around and walk up to her.

"Cut the shit Moka, I'm not in the mood."

"What's wrong with you? You usually mess around more, but ever since you showed up with those bruises that day, it seems you've been more cranky then usual." She frowns.

"It's none of your fucking business." I just wanted to go inside but I could feel her staring at me with that fire in her eye. I was ready to explode my emotions all over the place.

"Fine, you really wanna know? I hate being home. I hate being home because I hate my fucking parents. And I hate my parents because they fucking hate me. That good enough for you? Is that what you wanted?! I yell.

= MOKA =

Uruha was right. I felt my head sink. I never imagined that he had it so tough. He pulls my head up by my chin and says.

"Don't you dare pity me, now go the fuck home." He says going inside the house.

I walked home quietly in silence. I was just thinking. Everything make sense now, even after Uruha explained it to me. When I got home and walked in the house Shinji asked,

"Hey you ok?"

"Yeah I'm fine." I say walking to my room.

I proceeded to go straight to bed. I just wanted to get him out of my head. I was tired of thinking about him all the time. Why should I care? He does nothing but make my life miserable anyways...

The next day Shinji and I walked to school as always. I got to school and expected Ruki to be looking out the window as always, but that wasn't the case today. In fact quiet the opposite. I walk into my first hour class to see Ruki, or more over his tongue, all over a girl. I'm not sure why but it irritated me more than usual. I take my seat trying to ignore the show to my left. I doodle on my book to distract myself, but the kissing was so loud I was ready to snap at anything.

When the teacher walks in, I see the girl run over to her seat and Ruki wipe his mouth before kicking back to stare out the window. The rest of the day was like that with him his hands on someone and it was always a different girl. Was he trying to make me jealous? If he was it was not working. Not one bit. What's wrong with me? Why am I even thinking that he's trying to make me jealous?!

I went straight home. I was so mad for whatever reason. He puts on this grumpy show for a few days and now he's more or less back to his normal self like nothing happened?maybe even worse than before! I don't care what his parents did to him at this point, he's still an asshole. Something was different though. When I walked inside, Shinji wasn't home. He was always home before me usually. That's just how it went. When my father came home and Shinji still wasn't there he asked,

"Hey, have you heard from Shinji?"

"No, I haven't." I say.

"That's odd. Very odd. He's always home by now." He says.

"I think I'll go look for him." I say.

"Ok. I'll wait here incase he comes home." He says.

Off I went. Just looking where ever I thought he would be which isn't much because he is usually at home most of the time. I saw some boys walking and I walked fast to see who it was. No one I wanted to see. Ruki, Uruha, Aoi, Reita, And Kai.

"What are you doing here sweet Moka?" Ruki says. I glare at him.I had not desire to even look at him. Especially at a time like this.

"I don't have time for you today, asshole." I say walking ahead of him. I didn't even check to see if they would follow me. I didn't care. Something was wrong up ahead. There was a huge crowd. I squeeze my way through to see doctors carrying out people on stretchers. I was about to turn around when a flash of brown hair. I look to see Shinji being carried away into the ambulance. My heart froze.

"Shinji!" I yell as I run towards the ambulance.

+ RUKI +

I heard her scream. Was her brother involved in that robbery? I look back in that direction.

"Ruki, what's up?" Reita asked.

"I'm not sure."I say as I caught a glimpse of her running towards the ambulance.

"Oh shit." I say taking off after her.

"Ruki wait up!" the others say. This wasn't good. I'm getting a bad feeling.

End of Chapter: 7

Next Chapter: 思い出

How Hollow Can Someone Be?

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