24: Enlightenment

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Hollow Chapter 24 Enlightenment...


I had to go back. I didn't go back where the cops where just close enough to still see what is going on. Lish followed me. Moka are you still alive? oh god I hope so. you can’t die yet. no way...


I swear I was getting later faster. The night seemed to be closing in from all directions. nothing this guy did made any sense. He wouldn’t agree to anything and it wasn't just wasting time, because he was never going to get what he wanted.

He came over too me and picked me up and threw me on one of the seats. I didn't care what pain he put me through. the suffering that I was living though wasn't even on the same scale.

"sleep now and I'll keep talking with these assholes. if you try to run." he raises his gun to the ceiling and shoots twice.

I knew better then to run though. I didn’t even think I had the strength to. My side was still bleeding. I was starting to think that I might bleed to death before I get out of here. there was no way I could sleep either. did her really think that I could? it doesn’t matter how tired I get there's no waking up from this dream.


It was getting late outside. who knows how long this could go on. Moka could be stuck in here forever. I didn't know what to do. Lish and me sat in a bench near by the scene. I held my head down and in my folded hands. Maybe if I just would have told her that day... she wouldn't be in this situation.

If I would have just had the guts to tell her I wanted the hell out of here and to follow my dream instead of being a coward, she wouldn't have ever gotten on that train. I just didn't want her to think I was leaving... but I more or less... did. no if's about it. I just made it worse. I should have just came out and said it. why didn't I do it...

"I'm such a coward..." I mumble. Lish looked over at me.


"If I would have just told her..." I felt the tears roll down my cheeks.

"If I wasn't such a fucking idiot she woulnd't be in this shit of a mess! it's all my fault that she's suffering the way she is!"

"Ruki it's not your fault."

"You can't just tell me that this is fate?"

"No, but...

"Then what? I'm the only logical reason."

"Ruki, there is no way this is your fault."

"Yes it is..."

"Ruki! you don't get it!" I look over to her. the tears still falling.

"The fact that Moka even came today to see you is proof enough that she loves you more then anything."

she does have a point. I kept thinking that if I would have done this that things would have been better, but I never once considered why this all kept happening in the first place. Because I do love Moka and She loves me. this is just something we have to get past and move on from. she is going to get out of this. I just know it. "let's go back Lish."

And with that two of us headed back over two the scene.


This guy must have been getting fed up with everything because he was pacing like a crazy man and acting even more strange then usual.

"Damn it all. this isn't working." he says.

your telling me. I sometimes forget that I'm not tided up or anything, but I've lost all my strength.

"That's it!" he yells. so loud that it hurts my ears.

he stomps over to me and grabs my arm. once again he pull me up to the window by my hair and points the gun to my head.

"That's it this bitch dies!" I hear the trigger slowly pull in. I felt the urge to fight, but didn't know if I had the strength.

RUKI POV "This bitch dies!" I hear the man say.

I feel my eyes go big and wants to move, but my legs are frozen stiff.

he's about to pull the trigger. I can't watch. my eye's wont turn. I'm completely paralyzed.

I see and hear the trigger pulled, but the whole scene is a blur. all that is left is a huge blood splatter across the window. I felt myself start shaking horribly.

"No.." I hear Lish mumble.

then there was me there only thing I could say.

"NO!" I carry on and fall to the ground with my hands in my face.

apparently there was no movement inside, so the forces moved in.

"Ruki look!" lish says.

"I pull my blood shot eyes up to see them carrying Moka out of the train. she's hysterical and crying. I get up and run to her. people tried to stop me, but I just kept running.

"Moka!" I yelled. I see her crying eyes look at me.

"Takanori..." I hear her say. I embrace her not caring that she's still being held by the officer.

"Your alive!" I say still crying myself...

Next Chapter: [Final] Farewell...

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